December 2, 2023

Know Thyself Part 37


“Befroe He died. Before He went to the cross for us. Jesus’ heart was expposed as He prayed to the Father. It is beyond obvious what He and the Father desired for us. He repeated it over and over. Why Jesus came. It was all for us. He came to bring us into one-ness with Him and the Father! That One-ness just like He and the Father had before creation. What an amazing thought! That it was Father’s will AND Jesus’ will to bring you and I into one-ness with them. When trying to consider all of the implications and ramifications of this, our mind just goes tilt. Because, it is beyond our imagination to think such ways. Really, in this time, understanding what Jesus is saying totally in this prayer is beyond comprehension. Yet, it’s true! What Jesus prayed is what happened! What does it mean for us? In this time here on earth, it means we have a lot of things to understand. It means we have much more than we think we have. Right now! It means we are in a position with God the Father like Jesus is. It means we should be hearing clearly from Jesus inside because He has made us one with Himself and Father through the precious Holy Spirit. Jesus brought us into divine relationship with God JUST LIKE He has! What an amazing thought! What an amazing truth! What if we really get our heads around this? In this life? Well, the concept of it all is beyond HUGE. We are part of Jesus now. We are in Him. And, all He has we have now. We share it together WITH Him! On this addition to the Know Thyself series, we look with wide open eyes at this prayer of Jesus. Right before He left this world. Stay with me for the journey on Part 37 of Know Thyself on The Road Of Faith Seminar.” KF

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