November 25, 2023

Know Thyself Part 36


“An important element to hearing clearly from God is faith. You have to believe inside that you are indeed hearing from Jesus. For a brief time it was difficult to tell the difference between my own thoughts and His. They sounded simalar. But, in a little while I could tell. It was just so hard for me to grasp that I was hearing Jesus so clearly in my thoughts. Never before had I experienced clearity like this with the Lord. Believing I hear clearly is part of our relationship now. The daily benefits are amazing. I like doing everything in faith. So, I ask Him when I should do things, etc. Then I act on what I believe He is saying about it one way or another. It’s always better than what my way would have been. I am so thankful. It is wisdom. Coming from Jesus to me. Helping me to come into His best for me. Into the place where He can use me to be a blessing to others. That is where He is taking me. So, I believe. I go in faith. I stay in faith. I wait in faith. Endeavoring to stay on track with the Master. He sees everything so well. And, I trust Him to lead me in the ways He wants me to go. It’s there that we can see the miracles and blessings He wants to bring us into. This series is all about this kind of relationship with Jesus. He wants you to come into it for yourself. But, it really is up to you how clear you want to be with Jesus. He already wants it. So, you don’t have to ask Him if He does. These things are things in your heart. What do you want your relationship with Jesus to be like? Join me for part 36 of Know Thyself.” KF

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