November 19, 2023

Know Thyself Part 35


“The impact of yielding yourself and your total life to Jesus. It’s huge! That internal decision you make in your will inside of your soul changes everything! Everything will be different for you going forward. Because when Jesus has total control of your life’s direction, many good things will be coming. Miracles will be coming. Your heart will be satisfied. He’ll see to it! Because that is what He wants for you. He built it in to you. And so, He knows what it will take to really satisfy the longing of your soul. Problem is, people don’t believe that about Him. So, they hang on to their own agendas–not releasing their will to His will. The 3 things in a box of 1 are heart conditions before the Lord. They are qualities. They are decisions. They are expressions of love. You see, love gives. God is the Greatest giver of all time. He gave us Jesus. And in Jesus is everything good for us. The sooner we understand that it’s foolish to hold back our will and insist to do things our own way, the better off we will be. Go ahead and trust Him with it all. He knows what to do with it all. He is certainly trust worthy. But, unfortunately, mostly due to false teachings of religion, people don’t really believe Jesus is after their good. He really does want the very best for us. And, will bring us into His best IF we will simply trust Him to do so in our lives. But, understand, His plan and ways really ARE the best ways for us. But, do we really believe that? Well, I do. And, I have seen the truth of it unfold in my own life. I just want more! I’m believing that you do too! Stay with us on this road trip. We’re following Jesus on exposing what it takes to come into an intimate one to one, thought to thought, mind to mind communication with the Master. If you desire this with Jesus, it will certainly be worth the time you spend here with us in this Know Thyself series. Join us for this week’s new seminar. Blessings!” KF

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