November 11, 2023

Know Thyself Part 34


We have been talking about the 3 things in a box of 1. The heart conditions that will bring you into a thought to thought, mind to mind, communication with Jesus. To hear precisely and correctly from the Spirit of God, these elements must be working in your life. They are all important in their own way. However, the entry way for us is through humility before God. It’s there that He will show you what needs to happen in you. Maybe an adjustment needs to be made before Him. Maybe a step of faith. What ever it may be, it will take faith for you to carry it out. But, humility of heart will bring you into His presence where you can find out the real of the situation and make the steps to change. I believe that living in God’s perfect will for us require us to live by faith and walk in these soul conditions before Him. I hope you will embrace the teachings we have been putting out on these seminars. Your life will never be the same if you consistently do these things in your heart. No one can do these things for you. God can’t either. This is all about what you do. Because it involves your own will. Jesus will not mess with your will. So, it’s up to you to move into this place with Him. He wants it for you. Yes He does! But, Jesus will not manipulate you to get you there. He will encourage you to do so, but the decision whether or not to do these things is yours only. How much do you want of God in your life? With me, these things were working in my life born out of a desire for Jesus. Realizing that He had always proved that He was always after my best. I realized that I loved Him more than my own way. I wanted to do things His way in all things that I could wrap my life around. The thought to thought clearity that came to me was a surprise after I gave Him my will. But, that happening changed my life. No more guessing about what He wants to do in any given situation. No more praying for long periods of time to receive direction and understanding. Once you move into this place of close existence with the Lord you can receive instant direction and understanding direct from Him in your mind. Everyday! All day, all night. Why? Because you have placed all of who you are in His hands. You are no longer wanting to do things your own way, but His way only. So, in trashing our own agendas you now are only operating in His agendas. He will lead you in His way in your thoughts. You get pure and true direction from Him because you are now living in the real. Jesus and you. Goiing His way. Doing His will for you. And, as you know, it is so much better in so many ways. But, the end result of it all is we move in the important and eternal things that will last forever. Our lives take on Kingdom priorities. We see miracles! I hope you will stay with me on the journey as we move forward on part 34 of Know Thyself. Blessings! KF

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