November 4, 2023

Know Thyself Part 33


We’re on a journey to get clear thought to thought communicatioin with Jesus. He said there were three heart condition factors that enters in to one having this kind of communication with Him. Humility, Submission, Commitment or Consecratiion. We are talking about an intimate one on one relationship with Jesus. What does it takes to hear from Jesus like this? What are the benefits? Huge! And, they are eternal. It is possible to live in the perfect will of God. Can we attain to it? It’s up to us personally. But, if it’s available, why not go for it? I believe, in this series we are looking at this concept. Can you personally live in the perfect will of God in this life? The answer is yes. But, will you? Applying the things we have been discussing on these seminars will take you there! IF you will really do them. I wonder if you will study with me. I believe it will greatly benefit you and others who you will touch with the message also. Are you really committed?

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