October 14, 2023

Know Thyself Part 30


“Is it well with your soul? With your inner man. With all of your soul. With all of your heart. If you enter in front of God’s throne with a humble heart. He will draw near to you. He will hear you. He will respond to you with all the love He is. But, the falseness of pride working in us is not tolerated by God. Because He IS truth and light. He sees it all. He knows it all. We must come before Him ready to correct what we see and know about ourselves. But, it’s not possible as long as we are believing falsely about ourselves. If we are standing on lies & deception and won’t move. How can God deal with us? Not on the level of truth. That’s for sure. Because, we won’t receive truth! Not when we are in pride. Nope! Remember what Jesus said about trying to remove the splinter in our brother’s eye, when we have a log in our own eye? Blindness. Selfiishness. Pride. Seeing and perceiving ourselves falsely. Wrongly. In a deceptive way. That’s what it does to us. Many times, we’re not even aware it is working in us. Because, it’s sneaky! It’s in our fallen nature part of our being. As long as we’re down here on earth, we must deal with our own pride. Let’s get real with the Lord. Let’s let Him show us the way we really are. The way things really are with Him and us. Even if you’re in Christ, you could still be resisted if you’re in pride. Let’s make the adjustments inside and apporach God in a right manner of humility. Then, all kinds of things will be possible with us and God.” KF Join us for part 30 of our journey inward on Know Thyself.

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