October 7, 2023

Know Thyself Part 29


Pride is fasleness. It is a false perception about ourselves. God is truth and light. If there is falseness in us, even though we don’t see it, God sees it. And He knows exactly where we are coming from. We are the ones who may not know where we are coming from. And, through humility and faith, we can perceive the truth of where we really are with God–The real deal about us. It is sad that not many will come to God in this manner. It seems like many want to stay in the place of deception. The place where they are living in lies. But it’s okay with them. Instead of seeking the truth about them and what they are doing, they choose to stay deceived and continue on in that mode in their lives. Many people love the darkenss. They love the wrong they are doing. Even though it is bringing lots of problems and trouble to them, they continue on in it. There is a bondage–a stronghold that develops in them. Even an unconcieous resistance to the truth as they live in the deception. They are agreeing with the dark and resisting the light of truth as they dwell in deception. No matter how much they declare that they are right (in their own eyes) and God is wrong, it does not chnge the way things really are. These dear ones are experiencing what it means to brush with demons. And to involve demonic interaction with their lives. It is not good. What they actually are doing is opeining the access door to the enemy of man, satan, and all of his demons. Because the demons love deception and are thrilled that another human being is being fooled by them. They can pretty much do what they want in the darkness of the deceptiion in the life of the unbeliever. They can hit when they want. Bring financial trouble. Bring sickness when they want. Control that person–whithout them even knowing about the control happening. Because that person loves the darkness and the wrong they embrace, they stay in a perpetual cycle of bondage and deception. Going deeper and deeper into warped thinking. A circling around lower and lower with more and more. As time goes along, living in more bondage and deception about themselves and others. That they think they are okay with God. Their philosophies about God is what they trust in. They believe that what they are about is okay. Where they are is okay. Their position with God is okay. But, what really IS their position with God? That’s the deal. What is really reality with them? Well, I hope it all turns out good for them. I really do. But, how can good come from deception? Only falseness of perception can come from deception. What can these dear ones do to get out of this cycle of deception and bondage? Through humility anyone can appraoch God with a sincere heart. Anyone can come in front of God with the right heart attitude. If they only would. And He will help them to see right and understand themselves right. He will bring them out of deception about themselves and what they are doing. He will deliever them through Jesus, if they will come to Him with a right heart. God is a good God. And, wants the best for us all. Will we respond to His love? Will we present ourselves in front of Him in the right manner? It’s up to us individually. Will we live in truth and reality? It really is a personal decision. Stay with me on this series. We are dealing with living in the light of reality through out relationship with Jesus. Living free. Living at peace. Living in fatih. Living with a humble heart before God and people.” KF

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