September 30, 2023

Know Thyself Part 28


If we draw near to God through humility, He will draw near to us. We must be real with Him. A true heart. Nothing held back. We can be assured that He hears those who approach Him with the right heart attitude. This whole series is concerning the inner man. Who you really are inside the body you’re hauling around right now. When the temporary we are seeing now passes away, we see the eternal part our spirit still remains. We need to focus on that part of us that is eternal and everlasting. We must find out what the Lord has done in us through the new birth. This blend we now have with Him inside. We are learning more about ourselves as we behold Jesus. We are like Him. Born in His image and likeness. Spiritually, we’re much more than we think we are. Growing in our understanding, we can begin to grasp the enormity of all of this we have with the Lord. And, it’s not that we have to wait until our body dies to find out about it all. In fact, Jesus has paid for some things for us that is really only good for here and now. In this present fallen world. Because we won’t ever need it later. But, there are many deep things that we can find out about what we are and what we can do with the Lord. It is great. Far beyond where many believers are in understanding. It comes down to desire in our hearts. What are we really desiring with the Lord? Stay with us on the journey!

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