September 23, 2023

Know Thyself Part 27


God resists the proud but gives grace to the humble. Do you want to hear from God accurately? Clearly. Mind to mind. Thought to thought. Anytime, day or night? This is one of the three things Jesus showed me that can bring you into the place of clarity with the Lord. That means miracles in your life, my friend. You can actually experience His leading you everyday as you hear His directions and wisdom. We put ourselves into this place with Him. Since God resists the proud, humility before God is really the entry way. Because, you’re not going to get anywhere with Him without it. It is a posture. It’s an understanding of reality of us and Him. He will help us if we can get ourselves into the place WHERE He CAN help us. But, if we are proud of heart, He really is limited in what He is able to do with us. God does not just do what He wants in you. He doesn’t just push His way around without considering you and what you want. You have a major part to play in your relationship with God. Humility really begins with a choice in your heart to do so. No one can make you be humble. True humility is an act of your own will. You decide. No one else for you. When you approach God like that, He will draw near to you. That means your approach is accepted and you are in a good position now for Him to hear you and to guide you. Can you see that? Well, that is why we are doing this whole series. It has many other reasons in it also, but we are trying to get believers into clarity with the Lord. The possibilities are endless when you get into this place with Him. It really un-limits you.

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