September 16, 2023

Know Thyself Part 26


Getting ourselves into the place of hearing Jesus clearly within ourselves is not difficult. But, it is a total thing. One has to approach the Lord with humility of heart. With total yielding of our being to the Lord. We position ourselves for Him to deal with us in this way. Jesus always has wanted to communicate with us thought to thought–mind to mind. Instantly. But, we have been so dull spiritually that we’re not picking it up inside as we should. It’s about a heart attitude. Deciding to give your total life to Jesus means you are allowing Him to run things His way in your life. You go to Him for directions and future plans from now on. Listen, it is to your advantage that you hear His directions and plans for you clearly. So, you can enjoy the blessing of being in His total will in your life. You can live in God’s best for you! Everyday! Going and doing things His way means angels are activated in your life and in the lives of your family and loved ones. It affects everyone in your family. When Jesus has it all, the possibilities are unlimited. You will see miracles! Just hearing Jesus’ words inside so clearly is a miracle! Join me for another addition of this important series, Know Thyself Part 26.

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