March 26, 2022

How Long? Part 2

Passage: ....whosoever shall say unto this mountain, Be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea; and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe that those things which he saith shall come to pass; he shall have whatsoever he saith. Mark 11:23

This video seminar is the second in the series called, “How Long?”

This video seminar series is the first ministry outreach for the recently recreated and recommissioned, Ken Fletcher Ministries.

If you will stay plugged in with this series, and do what I ask you to do, you will never be the same!! Everything in the Body Of Christ is changing beginning with the release of the first video seminar, HOW LONG?.

I realize that this is a HUGE and sweeping statement that I just made. It is not an arrogant statement, as some may initially think. I am simply a tool for the Lord to use any way He wants. Jesus is really intense about His focus on His Body, the Church!

The Church is changing beginning today! THIS IS RADICAL, to say the least, my friends. All that I can say is, please stay hooked with me throughout the series, Church! IT IS VITAL. We are on a course of no return. What we did before today is a vapor and is gone.

The Church is coming into a new perception of reality. This understanding, that is being released to the international Church to change us, this understanding, is coming from the Head Of The Church. I would say, that it will be a good thing for YOU to pay very, very close attention to what is going on here.

I am endeavoring to only do and say what Jesus is directing me to do and say.

Please Church, pray for me through this thing. I am overwhelmed with revelation of truth from the Master. I am maxed out inside. Jesus is pouring into me such revelation that it has not been an easy transition for me. But, I will never be the same again. I will never go back to what I used to believe about what is going on.

Thank you for your prayers as we go forward in His plan for the Church. I do NOT know the whole plan. Just my part in the plan. He is also raising up other ministiries who will obey His instructions and carry them out as He wants. We are going to get this huge job done, in Jesus’ Name!!!

I want you all to comment on things as they come out and touch you. Please only comment on “The Road Of Faith Seminar” Facebook Page and/or my Youtube Channel, “The Road Of Faith Seminar”.

I want to know what is happening from you! I want to know how this is affecting you. What are you seeing the Lord showing you?

I will not be joining in with you in the discussions, however. I have been instructed to not correspond with the public at this time. I would like to join in, but it is not time. But know that I AM reading them and praying for you all.

Well, dear ones, here we go. It has began!

Hang on for a wild ride as truth comes out and, I hope, will completely blow your mind as mine has been blown.

I love you all.

I am His servant,

Ken Fletcher



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