Self Perception Reality

By Ken Fletcher

“Do you see yourself as a spirit walking around in a physical body? That’s who you are! Your mind is in your soul which is spirit also. But, if you do not see yourself as who you really are, you are not perceiving reality within yourself.

Most people are aware of their body and their relation to this natural material realm. With very little, or sometimes, no thought to the things of the spirit realm. Our fallen body has taken predominance over our being–which it was never supposed to be dominating our being. We, the spirit, are supposed to dominate our being.

More in particular, the Lord is supposed to dominate our being through our submitting and committing of our will to His. But, is this the case in most people? Unfortunately, no. So, the deception that is flowing all the time down here is affecting us through our fallen body.

If we are not living aware of our spirit in connection with the spirit realm, we will be living in deception. Easily deceived by the enemy and other people. Jesus does not want us to live deceived in this life. But to have a firm grip on reality–not only in this natural realm, but also in the spirit.

Remember, we are to run our being from the inside out. The inside being submitted and committed to Jesus. Receiving direction and purpose from the Head of the Church Himself. Living by faith in His words daily.

But, many of His people do not know who they are. And, because of that, they struggle with the outside of their being. The fallen part. And, they basically have an identity problem. Since they do not know who they really are and what they can do, the fallen body understanding stays in control of their life.

They become frustrated because, inside, they want to do God’s will. But, they do not understand what He has made them or understand their union with Jesus yet. So, they struggle with all kinds of stuff.

Jesus wants us to understand reality–who we really are in Him. Then, we can see through the deception that is flowing in this life. How you see yourself is so important. Are you seeing yourself like God sees you? That is what Jesus wants us to see ourselves as. Exactly what He sees us as.

Through humility you can see it and understand it. He is showing us. As much as we can understand. Are we in a place where we can be shown reality with Jesus? Only you and He know. Only He and I know. Do we really want to see things as they really are? Or do we want to stay in the la-la land of deception?” KF

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