Relationship Not Religion

By Ken Fletcher

“Do you suffer from a religious concept of Jesus? How would you know? It usually steers away from the real truth in Jesus. This, what we have with God through Jesus, believers, is about relationship not religion. It is about unity of Spirit with God. It’s about faith!

We should be learning how to flow with Jesus in this life.–Letting Him lead us and guide us through every interchange of life! Finding His perfect will in every situation! That is the best we can experience and understand in this life and the one to come!

As I am older now, I can see some things for what they are much better than before. We are all in different stages of blindness of perception as we live in this world in our fallen flesh. Yet, we CAN find God’s best for us even though we are dwelling in this imperfect and cursed atmosphere in these mortal bodies.

Jesus is joined with us inside. It’s about relationship with Him. Doing things together. Hearing His will and doing it by faith. He really is after our good. Some believe that, because of something they have done wrong, Jesus is against them. Nothing is further from the truth. He is for them at that time too! He hates what sin has done to them but wants the best for them always.

This is the truth. Jesus does not condemn. He corrects and guides gently. He understands that our will is completely our will. To follow Him together in what He wants to do or not to follow Him. We choose to do that. In giving Him all of our heart and everything else, we find His great will for us in particular. That is relationship, not religion.

We are unified in spirit with the One who sees ahead and knows what is coming. And, will guide us through His best way for us and others who we touch in this life. It is Jesus in us that touches them too. Not just us! Our prayers and interaction with them is Jesus also in us! That is relationship, not religion.

There is so much wrong thinking about Jesus. He is alive! He lives in the soul of every believer! Those who are united with Him. There is nothing more important for every individual person than this unity of spirit with Jesus! Not religion, but relationship with God through our faith in the Lord Jesus.

I find that when I mention Jesus to unbelievers, they instantly refer to what they know about Jesus. Which, most all the time, is not they way He really is. So, sometimes, it is difficult to breakdown the falsity of what they have believed about Jesus from what they were told before. Religion has at it’s root, control. Relationship with Jesus has at it’s root, is liberty and freedom.

We follow Him because of our love and trust in Him. Knowing Jesus always has our back. He’s always interested in our best. Bringing us the best way–the most abundant way–the healing way! The way up and out! As we whole-heartedly follow Jesus, He will share His wisdom in things we face everyday.

In short, people generally do not know Him. Not really. Their concept of Jesus has been tainted. What if you came in contact with the pure truth of Jesus? It would be very different than what you may have believed before. Relationship. No condemnation. Only after our good. Our helper and confidant. Our comforter. Real relationship with God through Jesus. Sharing. Going and doing together. Unified in purpose and direction.

That’s relationship in this life and the one to come. An unbreakable union with Jesus! But, do you know the real resurrected Jesus? That’s the important thing! If you don’t know Him, what are you waiting for? A better opportunity? Well, there is no better one than right now! Receive the real Jesus who gave everything to have you with Him! Don’t try and mentally figure it all out. Let Him have all your confusion. Just receive Him now!” KF

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