Receive Healing By Faith

By Ken Fletcher

“1 Peter 2:24, “who Himself bore our sins in His own body on the tree, that we, having died to sins, might live for righteousness—by whose stripes you were healed.” I believe this whole verse. I believe in the One who did it for me.

I have been healed. How did it happen? When I was suffering with pain so severe that it would not let me sleep. At all. I would pass out every 2 or 3 days from exhaustion for a few hours, then the nerve pain would have me up again. How did I get healed? Did it sort of fall on me? Was it a miracle that God just dropped on me like ripe cherries off of a tree? No, my friend. It did not happen that way. I will tell you the truth. Will you believe it? That’s up to you!

God’s work is done concerning healing! He does do special things by His Spirit as He wills sometimes. But, His will is always the same! No, friend. I did not receive my healing by God’s special moving, as He does sometimes. No. It is a sure thing when you receive by faith in His Word. The problem is, people are in unbelief. That is why they do not receive from Him through the Spirit.

Maybe I’m talking about you. I have been there! I know! Unbelief is the reason! What is the answer then for us? Faith! Faith in the truth of His Word.

Now, the payment has already been paid for our healing. In full! It IS God’s will for you to receive because He is the One who paid for you to have it! The problem is, you don’t believe that!

For some reason, you have allowed yourself to believe something else. Well, you’ve got to get out of you all the unbelief. How? By staying full of the truth of what Jesus did for you! And, NOT allowing anything in your thinking that is contrary to the truth. So, casting out anything that comes against God’s Word concerning your healing. Staying full of what belongs to us believers.

What did I do to receive my healing? I believed what Jesus did for me to be free from it all. I meditated on the truth of Mark 11:23. And, all of the vital healing scriptures in the Word. And, I believed fully, I practiced Mark 11:23 in detail, I spoke to the damaged nerves in Jesus’ Name and commanded them to be new everyday and every time that the pain would hit me.

In just less than a week, I began to notice that there was not as many nerve pain hits on my body. But, I continued to speak in faith based upon God’s Word every time the pain might hit. And, I got better and better a little each day. Until I was completely free of pain. Praise Jesus forever!

I was elated! As you might imagine. I had experienced a miracle in my body! What doctors and medicine could not do, Jesus did in me!

Now, Jesus had completed Hs work over 2000 years ago here on earth. It is all done as far as God is concerned. It has been paid in full. So, the only thing that is preventing you from receiving what Jesus paid for is UNBELIEF and DOING the Word.

Many times people do not do the Word BECAUSE they do not believe it totally. So, I believe you put the wood in first, then, you light the match on the stove! Then, you can get some heat going! Some folks are trying to get the stove warm with NO wood inside!

First things first, dear one! Load up your insides with the truth. Pack it in! Until there is no room for anything eles in there. Unbelief will fly out the flue! No room in your stove for nothing but faith in God’s Word.

Then, my friend, meditate on Mark 11:23 and 24. Look at Matthew 21:21 also. Meditate on them. Doing these truths based upon your faith of what Jesus has done for us will change the things in your body.

What amazes me is when I tell people the formula for them receiving their healing, it’s like they don’t believe that I did it. That it really will work for them. They don’t believe it. That healing can actually come to them through faith produced by God’s Word.

I received my healing right from His Spirit, into my spirit, which is in union with His Spirit, into my body through faith and speaking. That’s what happened. My doctor still can’t figure out how I came up out of that mess.

Well, I did nothing that you cannot do! But, the problem is, do you believe that? You can do what I did! You can receive what Jesus paid for just like me. It’s through your faith! So, why don’t you get that unbelief out of you? Why not? Some folks are just flat lazy! So lazy that they want you to pray for them, and they are hoping for one of those special healings the Spirit does sometimes will fall on them.

Well, healing from God is always great no matter how it comes. But, for me, I do not want to go for who knows how long before I can receive. And, may not receive ever. NO, my friend. Lets go for the sure thing! Faith in God’s Word works. For you. For me. For anyone who believes!

I am living proof that faith in His Word and speaking to my body according to Mark 11:23 will bring healing. This is not an isolated case where I was healed. I live this way! I am endeavoring to live in health by faith. Friend, I hope I said something that would encourage you to receive what Jesus has given us. Remember 1 Peter 2:24. Believe the whole verse. Don’t leave any of it out in your life!” KF

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