Receive God’s Free Gift

By Ken Fletcher

“People don’t believe Jesus when He said that eternal life is in Him only. They think they’re just fine the way they are without faith in Him. Is it true? Are they okay with God? Not if we believe Jesus.

I believe He brought to men and women eternal life. God sent Him to us. The God kind of life. That we needed in our spirits. If we already had it, He would not have come to bring it to us. Yet, many, many people do not know Jesus OR His Father.

Are they rejecting Him within themselves? Or are they in real ignorance of Him not having really heard the good news? These things I do not know. But, I do know that I believe Jesus regardless of what others believe. If He said we needed Him for God’s eternal life, then we do!

Through faith, we need to accept the provision of God that was sent from heaven to redeem us and give us God’s eternal life. The denial of what Jesus came to bring does not mean it’s not necessary. I’m not sure how the Lord is looking at people’s hearts individually. How He is dealing with them inside. Do you?

Well, I know that He approaches everything from love. So, He’s doing what He can to help them to see the truth of them and God. Where they really are. Is it important that I know where they are? Not really unless He shows me. But, it is a matter that is between them and God individually.

So, I want to work with Jesus to help people understand what is really going on in this world of deception. It’s our heart that makes the difference. It’s what He sees and knows about us that is true! Not what we think about ourselves.

We must humble ourselves and realize that God sees the real and true about us. And, we should be wise enough to realize He does. And, allow Him to help us and show us the way things really are with Him. He will. If we’re really honest before Him. Otherwise, He will allow us to believe what we want. Even if it is in error. It really comes down to a matter of our will. What do we want? What will we do? Receive His eternal life? Or not? It’s up to us!

Friend, it’s a good time to receive Jesus. You can now by faith. Believe in your heart what he did for you on the cross and rose again to make things right with you and God. Receive His free gift. Confess Jesus as your Lord with your own mouth. Doing this simply in faith before God from your heart, you have received the free gift of eternal life in Jesus.

You and Jesus are now one. You have received His Spirit. His life. And you are now with Him and He is with you. No separation anymore! Everything is new. You have a new future now. You, Jesus, the Holy Spirit, and the Father go forward with newness of life. And, He will never leave you. Ever!

Friend, I really hope you did receive Jesus. If you did, expect good things to come as you live with Him. He will help you in every way if you allow Him. My prayers are with you.” KF

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