Receive By Faith

By Ken Fletcher

“Do you believe in the healing power of God through faith? We can receive everything Jesus paid for into our lives. We can receive it! He has already paid in full the whole price for our healing!

Why aren’t more receiving what he has done for them? Unbelief! Yes, friends, that is the problem.

What is the solution to the problem? Faith to receive. How do we get that? By ingesting the truth of God’s Word concerning faith and healing.

Will people do it? That is the question. Unbelief cannot be driven out of our hearts if we don’t ingest the truth.

People do not want to spend the time to dwell on the truth concerning their healing. So, they seek help through other means. Which is NOT God’s best. He wants us to receive right from His Spirit inside. That is the best.

But, many are not in the place to receive what He has done for them. And, unfortunately, won’t ever be. The confidence is not there. Is it His will? Certainly it is! For everybody? Yes! Absolutely! But, people are not at a place of faith to receive. Too much doubt in them.

How do I know? I deal with doubt too! But, the first step to getting it out is understanding what it is. Doubt is not believing God. You can have doubt in your head, and be believing completely in your heart.

Faith is of the heart! Some think faith is mental assent. Which agrees about the truth in their minds. But, in their heart, where it really counts, they are lacking.

One has to drive out unbelief by filling up on faith. And, that means spending time in the Word. Meditating on it’s truth until it overflows. Then, you are at a place to receive.

It is not a feeling. Many are looking for signs that their faith is working. But, it works regardless of any signs. The important thing is for us to keep our eyes on the truth of the Word no matter what signs or feelings may come or not.

Faith is resting on God’s truth. Placing ourselves in His arena. Standing on His foundation of truth regardless of outward things.

Some are not willing to do what it takes to receive. We receive by faith. So, in order to receive, we encourage folks to get some faith!

Back in the 1920s Brother F.F. Bosworth, who was the author of the classic book, Christ The Healer, said, “Faith begins where the will of God is known.” That is so true!

Many people do not know what the will of God is on the matter. So, they have no believing that He wants to heal them. And, that He has paid for their healing in total. All they have to do is believe.

Millions have received through faith. I have received through faith. That means you can receive through faith too!” KF

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