Receive As You Are

By Ken Fletcher

“Religion says once you receive Jesus you must change your life. So, many don’t. I believe that you should receive Jesus. As you are. Where you are. Just receive Him and His eternal life by faith in God’s grace and love for you. Then, you and He can work things out for His best in you! But, it’s really about what He is showing you personally.

Ours is a personal, unique, and one of a kind relationship with Jesus and the Father. One of a kind! Who then can judge another–where they are with God? Where you are with God? Well, they can’t. Because they can’t see inside of your heart. He sees and knows the intents of your heart.

The important thing is receiving Jesus for yourself and myself. Then, we grow in our understanding of God and our relationship with Him. It IS awesome! Now that I have been walking with the Lord as I have in the last few years, I could not go back to things as they were before. Living with Him like this is SO much better. I really hope that you, dear reader, have received Jesus. If not, what in the world are you waiting for? Whatever it is, it’s NOT worth it. Trust me on that!

Being self willed as we are, we don’t see the benefit of turning our life over to Jesus like we should. He is the most valuable thing you can come into contact with. Have you received Him yet? Give it all to Him. Watch Him do miracles in your life!

This has been sort of different on this one. Humm…? I hope some will think about things in their lives. You know, as people, we’re convinced that our own way is the best way. But, realizing that God’s way IS the best way for us takes some faith in Him. Well, His way really IS the best way for us personally. But, what is your concept of that? Where did it come from? Did it come from religion? Or Jesus?

Well, I’m certain that many are turned off by the thought of giving their lives to Jesus. But, it’s only because they don’t know Him yet. If they really knew Him, they would see how great He is and how good He is. They would see and experience how much He loves them and wants to help them in everything! There ARE NO negatives in Jesus, dear friends! If you haven’t yet, with your whole heart, receive Him now! Begin the journey of a lifetime with God!” KF

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