Real Prayer Or Hot Air

By Ken Fletcher

“People are praying for God to do things. Are they praying in faith? Faith in what? Prayer without faith is an empty exercise without connection.

What is their prayer based on? Do they have a basis for a faith-filled prayer? If not, why pray? Without faith it’s just hot air. When we pray, we should base it on the Word of God. Are we praying for God to do something? Maybe we should first find out if He has ALREADY done it BEFORE we pray for Him to do something that, in reality, is already completed by Him.

Perhaps after study and meditation in His Word, you may see that the thing you are praying for IS already done as far as God is concerned. Our faith in what He has done already is connecting our believing with His truth! Understanding that it is already ours. He has already provided it through Christ.

Our faith is the plug to God’s receptacle. That causes the power to flow into us that was ours already. It is our believing that plugs in to the provision of God! We have Jesus! We have what God has provided. What does it all include? Much! In this life and the one to come!

Why is faith so important? Because, without faith it is impossible to please God. What pleases God? To redeem, heal, lift, prosper, guide, protect, encourage, and every positive thing we can encounter. It pleases our Father to be able to do good in our lives.–and to realize it here in this life.

It pleases Him when we actually believe Him and His Word in spite of the circumstances. Because, it enables Him to move in YOUR life! That makes Him happy! Yes, it does! What are you believing? Are you trying to get God to do something? You might be barking up the wrong tree!

Believer friend, better find out if He has already done it! And, if He has, then you have proof that it is His will because He already did it! It is done! You can freely access what Jesus has done through faith! What needs to happen is for you to build up your faith in the forever settled word of God on the subject!

Be so convinced inside of what He has done that nothing can shake it out of you. Saturate yourself in the truth before you pray! Know what you have in Jesus, dear one! Why pray and hope something is going to happen? That is not faith! And, that is not based on anything but wishing!

You might as well throw a coin over your shoulder into a puddle of water. Or blow out your birthday candles. Wishing and hoping. Not a great plan. No connection to God. Lets begin to understand what petition prayer really is. It is belief in what God has said. It is being persuaded of His truth. It is acting on that belief and doing what the Word says to do.

It is seeing it God’s way and joining with Him in it. What many people call prayer is not really prayer. And, they will not see any results from God. He has detailed in His word what real petition prayer is. And, it is nothing without faith, my friends.

So, let’s not get the cart before the horse in our lives. It takes real faith in God to receive what He has already done! So, shouldn’t we concentrate on what produces real faith in us? And, that is what He says! KF

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