Real Or Really Deceived?

By Ken Fletcher

“Is what’s going on in the material realm the most important? No! It’s what’s going on in the spiritual realm! And, most of the world population is blind as a bat to it! How about you?

What is behind all of the mess we are seeing in our day? Demons and crazy people who yield to them! But, do people realize that? Absolutely not. Most everybody don’t even know that they are 2/3% spirit! Blind to the truth of who they are. Blind to the truth of what is really going on here on earth.

How is it possible that so many people can be so blind? The fallen nature and the fallen natural realm! That’s how! If people could only see reality, they would see all of the activity of the demons and also the angelic beings working.

There is much activity in the spirit realm.–which is the parent realm to this natural realm. The material realm was created from faith-filled words out of the mouth of God. People even deny the truth about that!

How can one come to a correct destination of thought when the whole premise or foundation is completely wrong? Well, they can’t. Yet, that is where billions of people are right now! In a false place of perception!

What are things really like? The ways God says they are! Not what the general consensus is of the population. Or of man’s opinion. No. Reality is what God says it is. Reality is God! Reality is Jesus! Reality is the Holy Spirit. The truth is found in them!

Well, I don’t know about the rest of the world population, but I’m believing what God says about it all. I believe the Bible! I am standing with Jesus. I want to see things as He says. I do not want to be blind and fooled into a false reality.

There’s so much focus on what is happening in the natural realm. When, the focus should be on the spiritual realm and on Jesus where truth abides. It is evident that the world is against God. They are against the true. They are not against religion. All religions and beliefs are fine as long as it is not Jesus.

Why is that? The real faith in Jesus is not accepted in the world. It is because, behind it all, in the spirit realm, there are demonic forces that are anti-Christ, influencing men and women who do not know Jesus to oppose the truth. The demons want to keep people blind to the real truth about Jesus AND themselves.

The truth is, Jesus defeated them all for us! And, then, gave US His victory over them! Do you think they want that news out to the population? Well, they do have the blindness working for them–the fallen realm. Have you watched the 1999 Hollywood movie, The Matrix, yet? Watch it with spiritual eyes. What is in reality happening now is much like the movie. Only much worse!

Do people realize where they are? Nope! Do they understand what is going on behind the scenes? Nope! Do they realize they are being influenced by demonic spirits? Nope! What about their life-styles? Do they realize that they are yielding to and connecting to demons? Nope! Blind as a bat to it!

Well, it’s no wonder the world is as messed up as it is with all of the falseness that is flowing. And all of the people who are believing it. And, responding to it.

Jesus brings reality to us! Faith in Him turns the light on in us! We can see what is really going on through Him. Through faith we navigate through all of the false crap that is going on down here.

What needs to happen is the enemy should be exposed. The demons all work in the dark of deception, and so what shows them up is the light of truth in Jesus Christ.

We are naturally blind to reality. Born into it just like our natural parents were. Born with the blindness of realizing the fallen material realm and our fallen flesh’s relation to it. We just popped in here. And, it was already messed up before we arrived.

And, each generation, also living in the blindness of the truth. That is, unless they believe the Bible and hook up with Jesus. Then, they take on reality Himself.

The problem has been in generations past, that religion got involved with the pure truth of Jesus. Adding their stuff to it. Condemnation comes. And, people fall under the bondage of that too! So, even the true message of liberty in Jesus has gotten all messed up!

What needs to happen is within the heart of mankind. We all need Jesus. No matter who we are, or where we came from. We need Him to understand reality! That is why I write these things. To hopefully wake some folk up to what is going on down here on earth!

Well, I don’t know about you, but I want it the way it is! I want to know the truth of the matter! I want to perceive it right! And, as far as I know, the only way to really understand reality is to see it Jesus’ way. Let Him show us the way it is! Because, He sees it the way it really is, and we don’t!

Of all the people who will read this, who will wake up to this fact? Well, it really is up to you. Isn’t it! You want to stay blind to the truth or not? You may not believe a word I said to you here. But, does that mean that it is not the truth?

You have a resposability to find out the truth for yourself before God. Maybe you have been living in deception and did not realize it until now. Maybe you see things now a little different than before. You know, the Holy Spirit is the one who brings us to the place of reality before God. Perhaps He is showing you where you really are!

Well, that is wonderful to get to see yourself as God sees you. That’s the real of things. I am praying that the eyes of your understanding will be enlightened to the truth. Will you stay in the blindness of the matrix and the forces behind it all? Or, decide to live in the real with Jesus!” KF

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