Quickly Passing By

By Ken Fletcher

“We want people to know Jesus. Why? Because He is so good. They cannot comprehend it from their perspective sometimes. They cannot know His love like we who belong to Jesus.

But we are right there with them. Can they feel our love for them? They may not understand the love of God yet, but they can understand your love for them. And, you and Jesus are a team! Together you minister to people. You and Jesus! A blend. A fusion! A partnership! He will touch them through you!

What will He do for them? Well, that is unlimited. Do you believe that–That Jesus could do a miracle though you for somebody else? With your prayer or through your hands? You are there. He is there. If they can receive from you they can receive from Him.

I have found that people need to expect something when we pray. They should expect change. Even if it is little faith in the prayer, just a little is all Jesus needs. Just a crack in the door is all He needs to help them!

Will He actually do it? Yes! He will. But, do you believe that? If you don’t believe that then you won’t be looking for those opportunities to minister. People need to know Jesus personally! They need to pass from death to life. We can cooperate with the Holy Spirit and help them.

Without Jesus, what really matters in the final scope of things? Nothing! Everything good for us eternally is connected to our life in Jesus! What does the unbeliever have without Jesus then? Well, the life they now have is eternal also. But it is not a life that is connected to God’s life. If it were, then Jesus would have not needed to come and die for us and be raised to new life for us!

He came from heaven to bring heaven to us. Now, we are to take heaven that He has given us and help others. What else matters than our connection with Jesus? Really! What do we have? Really! What future is ahead for us without Jesus? Ever thought about that? Well, it’s a good place to think about in front of God. Where are you? Really!

Have you received this precious eternal life through Jesus? We obtain it through faith in God’s grace for us. He has freely provided eternal life for all who will receive it. As you read this, have you received Jesus?–Given your life to Him from now on? Letting Him have it all? Received His life and call Him Lord of your life? Well, then you are a believer. Because His life now flows in you as it does in me.

This present life is quickly passing by. It seems to be racing faster all the time. So, make a choice to follow Jesus the rest of your time down here. The future is bright for all those who are in Christ. By an act of your will, receive the Lord of life for yourself today!” KF KenFletcher.org

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