By Ken Fletcher

“People want healing for their bodies, but they won’t put in the time to focus on the Word for healing. What’s up with that?

We don’t do that in any other area of life. You know, you don’t go up to the man at the graduation for your diploma if you never went to class. You don’t go to the employer and try and pick up your check for the week when you never came to work. You don’t get heat to cook off of the burner if you haven’t turned on the stove! See? Same thing with faith.

You’re not going to get faith from spending time watching your favorite team or movie. You’re gonna get faith by soaking in God’s Word. Folks just won’t do it. Then, later wonder why they did not get healed when they prayed. They may even come up with the old excuse, It must NOT have been God’s will. Then, others will pat on their hand and agree with them about that JUST because they did not receive His provision.

Does anybody think to look inward to the believer inside? Why we’re not receiving what Jesus paid for? Why don’t we realize it’s US who needs to make the adjustments. Not Him! We are doing or not doing something right. We need to find out what that is! We can go to the Lord in faith and find out what we’re doing wrong. He will show us. He wants us to get it more than we do!

Friend, why don’t you decide to put the time in. There WILL be a pay day! So, fill up on God’s forever settled Word and run out all the doubt. God will surely bring you on out!” KF

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