By Ken Fletcher

“People will spend many hours a day pouring in matrix garbage but complain about their health.

Hours and hours of trying to entertain themselves and doing other things while hurting in their body. Have they figured out that the entertainment is NOT going to bring them out of that stuff they are dealing with? Nope! They figure they might as well be entertained while they are hurting! They do that instead of putting in faith fuel to run it out. Why spend all of that time pouring in stuff that doesn’t matter–that’s not going to help get you out?

I think some folks are not really serious about getting better. They say they are. But, their actions speak louder. They want an easy way to feel better. They want it to be God’s fault that they are not getting healed, not their’s. They say inside, it must not be His will for me to get healed–then, watch another 4 hours of crap! Hurting!

Well…..what cha gonna to do with that? They just flat don’t see the Word as the solution for their situation. They don’t believe. And, unless they change some things, they won’t be receiving either!

God HAS ALREADY provided healing for all people. Since it’s through faith that we receive from Him, wouldn’t it be a good idea to put into your heart His Word concerning healiing so you could increase your believing?

Listen, you can just stay in the natural and do it their way. Their way has some bad stuff attached, whether you realize it or not. You can just fall into the mindset of the world and deal with all the negative fallout from doing things that way.

But, God has a better way. It’s too bad folks won’t get serious enough about their situations to get into His Word about it. It really is amazing! Just no faith in there! Or very little. Not enough to get the job done in their bodies. But, they keep pouring in other stuff.

Their time and actions determines what is important to them. So, they suffer. Man, I hope they will wake up to reality and make some quality changes. It’s really all up to them how it comes out. What WILL they do? Probably surf the channels one more time to see if the new progaming is on yet!” KF

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