By Ken Fletcher

“I’ve seen why the enemy gets so mad in people when the light of truth comes out.

It messes up his confusion that he’s working in them. He stirs them up, and they get mad! As T.L. Osborn used to say, “poor devil!” He would say, “he’s just being a devil, that’s all.” Funny! Pure TL. Anyway, folks may be shouting and cussing. I see what’s happening. It makes me smile.

I see behind it all now. Bless their darlin’ hearts and stupid heads. These precious ones could be free and thinking right if they got their attitude adjusted! But, the pride. Oh, that pride. It locks them out of the truth! They just HAVE to be right from their perpective. They have to argue lest what they’ve been believing is not REALLY the way it is.

The devil makes sure to push them to come against the things that will actually help and work in their lives. But, it won’t happen for them UNTIL THEY decide inside NOT to listen to him. If they want to dig in to what they believe in the face of God’s Word, they can. And, many do! Not to their benefit, I’m sorry to say.

What are we after here? The way IT REALLY IS. Not what you think. Not what I think. But, what God thinks! If what we’re believing is not in agreement with that. It doesn’t matter. Truth IS GOING TO PREVAIL. Period! So, I don’t know about you, but I want to adjust my thinking to the way things REALLY ARE! That IS Jesus and His Word.

It really matters what you believe. But, the stuff you’re believing now, is it what God has said in His Word about it? KF

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