
By Ken Fletcher

“What is your life? To God it is like a vapor that appears for a moment and then, poof, it is gone. This present life is very very brief. Though it may seem different to us, the reality is that our present life on earth is just for a moment in comparison to the vast expanse of eternity.

We are eternal beings. And what we do here and now matters for eternity. What would it matter if you got everything you wanted here and now? Looking back over your whole life, in the light of eternity, it would only be a speck of a memory. And, without Jesus, would only serve to torment you with all of the wasted opportunities you had to receive Him.

God sees and understand the totality of our being and how brief our timespan is in this temporary situation. To be unified with Jesus means we are hooked up to the everlasting One who knows the way we should go. This, down here, is so temporary and brief. But, so, so important.

Personally, I would not want to step into eternity without Jesus. To leave this short life here without Jesus is the worst thing I can imagine. But, living with Jesus here and now, and then and there, is the present and future that really means something! I want to be about what He wants to be about. Here and now, there and then!

What a horrible thing to hear of someone who leaves this life without Jesus. You know, each breath we take shows us how quick this can be over for us down here. The heart could stop and, poof, we’re out of here! Well, that is the reality of the situation. Folks don’t like to think about it, but it’s still true!

Living by faith in Jesus means that when the last breath comes, He will be there. And, will always be there. There’s no fear. When the work is done on earth, we get to go home to be with Jesus. What a time we are gonna have then!

Friend, do you know if you are in Christ? Are you not so sure where you are with God? Well, you can be certain from tonight on. With a sincere heart, present yourself before the Lord, ask Jesus into your life. Give Him your life.

When you do He will come in and abide with you. You will have His eternal life. Never to fear death again. Jesus is greater than death. He has overcome death and has given His life to us freely.

Yes, this present body will die someday. But, I will never die! It’s because of Jesus’ life in me! Do you know for sure if you have His life? Well, you can! From your heart, confess Jesus as your Lord. You will have the Lord of life in you! He will bring your spirit alive!

What are you waiting for? A better opportunity? There is no better opportunity than NOW! Are you positive that you will still be on earth in 20 minutes? From here to 20 minutes from now, thousands on earth will have literally died thinking they had more time.

Why not settle the matter before God right now? Why not get rid of the fear of what comes after the body dies? Receive Jesus now! He is our life and our future! No matter how brief this present life is, I want no other future than the one Jesus has for me! How about you?” KF KenFletcher.org

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