Past Present Future

Bt Ken Fletcher July 17, 2023

“Past. Present. Future. All His. It’s great to live this way. My main thing is keeping it all there with Jesus! That’s the deal. Where’s your past, present, and future? You building life on solid rock or shifting sand? It’s wonderful to know where you are with God. No matter what, you can know! You can be assured everything is alright with Jesus inside. So, why not give Jesus your past, present, and future? I promise you, when you do, you’ll never regret it. You will live life in a different way with your everything safely in His care! Be ready to grow in understanding. Because, you will. All things become possible to you because you have an all things are possible God inside of you. And, since you have given Him your past, present, and future, He has your life! So, how different things will be. You’re yielded now. So, going the way of Jesus has many benefits. Most do not find out some of them because their “all” is not yielded to Jesus. Listen, the past is gone never to return. The present is now. This is where we check our location in His will all the time in the present. The future ahead is yielded completely to His best for us. Of all the directions we can go, we want to go His way only. That is our best. Only you know if Jesus truly has your past, present, and future. My prayer is that you will give the Savior all today.” KF

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