Our Faith Is Sight

By Ken Fletcher

“How can a man or woman know his or her way? In reality? The blindness of our state prevents us from total understanding. But, through faith in God one can know his or her way. Faith in Jesus inside. It’s possible to live in the perfect will of God all the time. Through faith we can know our way. We can listen for the Holy Spirit’s leading on everything! IF we’ll pay attention.

Some folks are so busy living lives in the natural they are not listening to the Lord’s leading. Which means they are flying blind. Or, partially blind. In our present state here in this world, it takes faith to believe you are hearing from Jesus. It takes faith in His Word. We see because we believe. We know because we hear from Him. We go in His direction because He sees ahead and knows the best for us there and then. So, in a way, we see the future. Through Jesus. It’s partially, of course, or it would not require us to have faith. Our faith is sight indeed. We see through Jesus. We hear, we obey, because He knows when we don’t.

In general, people think they know more than they really do. The wise believer will look to the Master inside for His perfect direction on any situation. We look to Him. Who has perfect sight. With no blockage. Who loves us. Who is true. Why not put all of our trust in Him? Then, deciding to follow Jesus is sight indeed. It’s understanding indeed. It’s wisdom indeed. Our partial sight of reality turns into sight by faith in Jesus. We are led by Him. So faithfully. He is ever abiding. No matter what. No matter where. No matter when. And, because of that, we are stable and sure footed. As we walk every step with Him. Turning when He says. Stopping when He says. Etc.

Our partial sight becomes full as we trust in our Lord. The dependency we have on Him to lead us in the right ways is vital. I want to know what He wants. Why? Because I know, I am totally convinced, that His ways ARE the very best for me and my family. I am certain of that! So, I look to Him for my direction all of the time. It is a dependency. But, as He reminds me from time to time, we are partners. He needs me also to fulfill His plan through me.

So, in reality, He is trusting me to do my part, and I’m trusting Him to do His part. This is going on every day in my life. I really hope that it is going on in your life also. This co-dependency we have together is the blend of Jesus & Ken. The messed up part is the Ken part, though. 🙂 But, we’re trying to get it right. Growing every day. I am so thankful to the Lord for His help. He is helping me more than I know. I believe that is true in your life too. How can we really know our way? Without the sight of the spirit, through faith, it is foggy at best. So, since that is true, why not put all of your trust in Jesus?” KF KenFletcher.org

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