No Manipulation

By Ken Fletcher

“Mister-Ms. Minister, whatever you are doing, if Jesus told you to do it, He will abundantly supply the finances to do it! Himself! All you have to do is believe and follow what He says do!

If the supply is not abundant, maybe you should check with Jesus to see if He really told you to do it or not. He is not obligated to finance something outside of His will. But, on the other hand, if He DID call you to do it, then, that brings confidence that He surely will abundantly supply every need.

So many ministers put pressure on other people to give into what they are doing. I believe that is wrong. It is, in essence, begging. Some will play at your heart strings because they know how to manipulate the emotions of people. In order to get them to give.

You think that’s right? Sounds too much like the devil to me. Why can’t we believe God? Let Him show us how to prosper and receive abundantly without any kind of manipulation or pressure on other people.

Up to now, this ministry that began on March 9, 2022, has never mentioned to anyone about an offering. We have not taken anything from anybody. Jesus has completely financed this whole thing I am now doing.

And, more is coming. Without putting ANY pressure, or even mentioning giving. So, we’re not motivated by money. We are not looking to get a following. We are simply on here to give. And, that’s it.

What we’re doing, we’re doing for others. No selfish agendas. You can think what you want about this ministry. But you can’t say we’re in it for the money. That’s for sure. Actually, it is a privilege to minister to people without putting any pressure on them to give.

We just want to see them blessed, helped and lifted by what we do. We believe that we are sowing eternal seed that will come up and mature later in people’s lives. We are completely dependent on Jesus to supply our need. It’s a good place to be.

Regardless of what you are doing, Mister-Ms. Minister, do not look to mankind to finance what God has called you to do. Believe HIM! Let Him bring it to you His way and time! Then, you’ll get to see miracles!” KF

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