Never Never Leave

By Ken Fletcher

“I told you that I’d never leave you or forsake you! That is what Jesus said to me over 45 years ago. I was in a really low place in my life. I thought that the Lord had moved out of me because of my poor performance. I was depressed. With no victory. Thinking that Jesus did not want anything to do with me. I had tried to live for Him and failed many times. Thinking that I was a failure at living for the Lord, I was destined for destruction. Then, His presence filled the place where I was. And He spoke to me loud and clear in my soul. Saying, I told you I’d never leave you or forsake you. I was amazed at His love. Then, I understood He had never gone anywhere. He was there the whole time. What a comfort that was to understand this kind of love and loyalty. He is a true friend, dear one! He’ll stay with you through anything and everything that comes. He’ll be right there! Always! What a truth! What a realization! During that, I was in tears at all that He said. And, what I actually felt from Him there. How kind Jesus is. I am so thankful that He brought me the truth of our relationship. Friend, no matter what, if you have invited Jesus into your heart, He has never left you. Never! And won’t. Ever! Praise His Name forever!” KF

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