My Encounter In 2022

By Ken Fletcher

“I had encounter with Jesus on March 9, 2022 that changed my life completely. After a really tough battle with the enemy and my body, after several hours, I emerged from my bathroom floor. Weak and shaking from the attack. Demons were involved.

The Lord attempted to warn me the day before about the attack. But, I did not heed His warning as I should have. After the attack that I barely had enough faith to endure and overcome, I found myself in my bed. I realized immediately that I was in the arms of Jesus.

He had picked me up and I was aware of Him holding me as He sat in His Throne. I did not know if I was in my body or not. It seemed to me that all of this happened inside of me. I remember His hair and His collar on His robe and the stitching around His collar and the way the fabric felt on my cheek.

I heard Him speak softly to me encouraging things. Telling me that the attack was over. I was through. That all is well. Among other things, He said there were people moving around who saw me there laying on Him in His arms. He said that they were wondering why He had me like that. He said it was none of their business and that He would keep me there with Him as long as I wanted. Boy, did it feel good! The comfort. The love. The understanding. Our amazing Master!

There was no hurry. Man, I can’t tell you what that meant to me! Him doing this. It meant so much beyond words can describe. It felt so good in every way. I was so thankful to Jesus. Beyond words. With all my heart I was thankful.

Somehow, during this encounter, I thought to myself. Man, I love Him! He has always been so good to me in all these years! And, deep inside my heart, there along somewhere as I thought this, I gave Him EVERYTHING. I mean I gave Him control over everything! ALL! Nothing in reserve. No plan but His plan. No direction but His direction. All past achievements and failures.

All present circumstances. All future things! All family! All finances are now His. All health and healing. All is all, folks! As far as I know before Him, that is the way it is with He and I. We are now unified in purpose.

There that night, I wanted Jesus to have it all from then on! In this life and the life to come! Now, I know many believers have done this with the Lord. And, it is wonderful when we do! But, the next day. I realized that I was hearing Jesus speaking to me in a new way inside.

In 50 years since I met Jesus, I had never heard Him like this before. I would usually have to pray in the spirit for a while to accurately hear Him. Sometimes, it would take me a while to hear Him. Sometimes it took days or weeks praying about things before I could get clear on what He was saying about it.

But, after March 9, 2022, I could hear Him instantly–thought to thought. Boy, that was a mind blower to me! I could hear Him clearly in my very thoughts in my head, etc. He showed me in a day or so that He was now able to move His voice all over inside of me–soft and loud. Center, right, left, anywhere inside. I was not used to this at all.

I was hearing Jesus’ thoughts just like I was hearing my own thoughts inside! I did not know anyone at all personally who had experienced anything like this. Everything was so different. I felt like a child feeling my way around a new realm. But, as we went along, Jesus taught me. I had many revelations flood my soul weeks and months after. I saw things in a new way.

I began to understand some things about myself and the world. It was a few days after this encounter that He showed me the truth of what is really going on in the earth. He gave me the visual aide of the 1999 Hollywood movie, The Matrix, as a modern day parable of what is, in actuality, going on with people and their perceptions on the earth. The god of this world has blinded the minds of those who don’t believe, so that they can’t perceive the light and come to know the knowledge of the truth. And that truth is Jesus!

As I have now walked with the Lord in a new way now for over 2 years, I have seen miracles in my own life and the lives of others. Jesus showed me that we are a fusion. He and I. And, that all believers should hear from Him as clear as I do. It is NOT exclusive to me or a few! This kind of communication is for us all who are His!

The problem is not on His end. Never has been. The problem of us not hearing Jesus mind to mind and thought to thought is our fault! We can all make the adjustments and corrections to have this going on inside of us all. It is a heart adjustment before Jesus. A giving Jesus control of our will.

He will not manipulate your will. It is yours exclusively to do as you want. But, if you will make the decision to give Him everything that you can give, you have given Jesus your will. Because in the final analysis, your will is really the ONLY thing you really possess.

Your will is who you are. It’s all that you have. Your will is at the top priority in your soul of who you are! Do you love Him enough? Do you trust Him enough? Will you give Him ALL by giving Him your will? No selfish or self-willed directions anymore? Nothing apart from what He wants from now on?

Listen, as one who has been in both places, I can tell you what He has is FAR better! But, can He open up to you what He has? Not when you are still self-willed and have your own agenda going on. A good indication of where you are in actuality is, are there miracles happening in your life? If not, why not?

Could be you are moving in your own concepts and agendas. I have found out that I do not want anything that is not Jesus’ will for me! Nothing! Why settle for less, dear friend? When you can know His will minute by minute or second by second if need be. Right from Jesus thought to your thought!

I did not know this was possible before March 9, 2022. But, I do now! And, I want to help all His people, who may be having issues with hearing Jesus clearly, to come into this understanding with Him also.

I’m not trying to start a movement or a following or anything like that. So far, I have not received any offerings in this ministry. Jesus finances everything. Right now, I’m not sure if Jesus will ever open this ministry up for folks to give into it or not. Either way, it does not matter to me because I know He is always going to take good care of this ministry! Because it is His! As everything else is!

So, there is no money motivation with me. I am not affiliated with any church organization. So, I have no slant motivation to promote. I have many friends in various church organizations whom I dearly love, and I have served in churches for many, many years, but, according to Jesus, for now, this ministry is not connected to any organization.

So, since March 9, 2022, I only do what Jesus is telling me to do. I do not want it any other way than His way. He has told me to do what I’m doing, or I would not be doing it. Why would I want to do things another man’s way?

Well, Jesus has all of me now! And, I ask Him often, do you have all of me Lord? I want to hear it from Him! I could be seeing things wrong! But, I know He sees it all in me, and, He will always give me the truth at all times!

I want to know right from Him if I am holding anything out from Him–maybe that I may not be seeing in my own life. It is of upmost importance to me now! Because, I’m tired of wasting precious time down here below with insignificant stuff in my life. Not that I am not thankful for all the great things I have experienced before.

But, here at 71, I’m realizing that whatever is ahead is probably not near as long as what is behind! I want to finish this run in a sprint with Jesus. Whatever that is! Whatever is left! Full on His will. Let it be so in me, dear Lord! All! Nothing held back anymore until my last breath into victory! As far as it is within me, from now on, it is my desire to only do it His way!

Because, I am learning, His way IS ALWAYS the highest and best way in everything in life! That is why I believe it is so vital to hear Jesus thought to thought every day and night. We can really be, in actuality, and in perception, as close to Jesus as we want to be. Because He is in us now! Closer than anyone!

All believers have Him–through the precious Holy Spirit, He ever dwells in us and is blended and fused together with us and us in Him! His life IS our life! His wisdom IS our wisdom! His guidance and direction IS ours too! We have Him, believers! We have Him! Now!

Well, the further I go along, the more precious He becomes. I cannot imagine being without Him. And, He has assured me that we will NEVER be apart! Whether in this life or the next, it matters not. Those of us who have Jesus will never be without Him again!

I hope you who are reading this article will desire in your heart this kind of relationship with Jesus. There may be only a few of you in reality. But, the few of you who desire this in your heart with Jesus, why don’t you consider traveling with me on the Know Thyself Series. On The Road Of Faith Seminarh Seminar You can access it on YouTube or on my website, Everything is free.

Maybe something I am saying on this series will help you to come into this wonderful place with the Lord. I have said that when people get there with Jesus, it will probably be somewhat different than myself. As we are all unique. And very unique WITH the Lord in us.–The blend of Him and us inside. However, I do believe that it is possible, and I believe it is God’s will for you to also have a thought to thought, mind to mind, relationship with Jesus. Because, as the Word says, we’re not trying to get it, but, we have the mind of Christ!” KF

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