Moving Without Moving

By Ken Fletcher

“Jesus told me today that waiting in faith is the same as moving in faith. It is just as important to wait in faith as it is to act and move in faith. It’s all because of His Word in us.

I just waited in faith recently for about 4 weeks for His timing. When it seemed like I should be doing something on it. And, since I did wait at His word, I got to see the results of my waiting on His timing today. Praise God!

It always pays to wait on His perfect timing in our lives. So, whether your waiting in faith for His timing or stepping in faith by His timing, it’s all the same thing. It’s faith in His Word.

We should be generally in faith all the time. Believing Him for our direction. For our purpose. For our strength to carry out His will in our lives. We should know what His will is for us, each one. Because it is there that we enter in by faith into His best for us. Don’t you want His best? Well, you can have it. He is not holding anything out on us. It is we who do not do what is necessary to get ourselves into the place of His best.

People want Jesus to bless the mess they have chosen of their own will and way. Well, many times, He cannot bless it. Because it is out of the way that He can bless. Our will is the thing. He will not cross it. And so, He lets us do what we want. Our own plan and vision for ourselves.

But, what we thought would be great for us turns into a bad thing for us. Trouble. Problems. No peace. Worry. Trying to make something work. That is where our way will lead us. Where, His way is filled with peace. He prospers us with NO sorrow in it. Praise His Name!

Listen, I have lived long enough to know now that His ways are THE ways to go. They are the best for me. They are the best for you! The quicker we figure that out the better! Some never figure it out in this life. A sad thing! To not realize the will of God for us in this life is a tragedy. But, many never will.

This relationship we have with Jesus is unlimited. And, He leads us in our hearts. Directly speaking and showing us things inside. Telling us, showing us, to wait. So, by faith we are really moving even though we are waiting! And, we wait. Until His timing is right. Until He gives us the okay to move forward.

Then, the same way, when He says move, do, go. It’s time to move! It’s time to get ‘er done. Then, we know it’s the best. And, we move ahead in confidence. BECAUSE He has already been there and came back to tell us the best way! Boom! There it is!

Well, I don’t know about you, but I am so thankful He has seen and knows my way even though I cannot see it. It then becomes a matter of trust. My trust in what Jesus has to say about my future and my present. I am trusting Him more and more.

I really hope this article will help you to put your trust in Jesus. Whether He says to wait on His timing or to move on His timing, you trust Him with your life. To go His way is to follow peace and healing and abundance of provision. He is more than enough for everything that touches our lives. Wait in faith. Move in faith. It’s all the same thing!” KF

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