By Ken Fletcher

“I’m just not interested in the things that seem to consume some people.

The thing is, I’m seeing through stuff now more than before. I’m seeing what the stuff really is. When you see it this way, it looks cheap and uninteresting. Like, why would I waste my time putting all that thought into those things.

So much of what goes on down here in the matrix is really worthless. Yet, people will esteem some things as THE thing when it’s NOTHING really. I think you could call doing that mis-placed value! So later, when their time is done on earth, their payday is, at best, they may have had a good time. Whoopie doo!

Well, maybe that does it for them. But, not for me. Is what you’re putting your time in worthy of your time? Boy, that’s a good question to ask ourselves! Let’s be smart and go for the stuff that’s going to last eternally.” KF

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