Mankind’s Basis Of Reality

By Ken Fletcher

“So many people do not believe the Bible. So, their basis of truth has no real foundation. Many do not WANT to believe the Bible. Even though it has been proven true time and time again. All those multitudes of fulfilled prophesies, etc. Yet, they deny.

People think science is truth. When all science is based upon the truth of the Bible. Though the knowledge is much more advanced now than before, the scientists are only operating on partial information about the material realm.–From the perspective of the material realm.

There was a time not too long ago in history when science said the world was flat. When the Bible had already proclaimed hundreds of years before that the earth was created a globe. That was reality! Did science recognize it? Nope! Even though it was factually true? Not until many years later when they could perceive some things in the natural realm proving the earth was indeed a sphere–just as the word said before.

The Bible is a gift from God to show us reality in this fallen earth. Everywhere is deception. Lies. Untruths. Partial truths. Which means they are lies. All being propagated saying the Bible accounts are false. Their basis of reality is based on feelings and false perceptions because of the fallen nature of mankind. They are not recognizing the fallen nature of the universe.–and, they look to all kinds of sources to verify their own beliefs. In this fallen state, most people cannot see the way things really are!

It’s because of the blindness brought on by mankind’s fall from the perfect will of God. That all began in the beginning. And, things were all messed up from there. And, getting worse all the time! Where life was, and things were absolutely perfect in every way, death entered. And the floodgate of calamity was opened to this material realm. It has been out of whack ever since.

Mankind can be so arrogant–thinking they know so much. When their learning is based upon a faulty understanding of reality. It’s all based upon a fallen paradigm of understanding–which is partial understanding at best. It’s about not understanding the spirit realm and the real of reality. How can a person know the material realm properly without knowing the spirit realm–which is the parent realm of who we are?

Do we understand and perceive what really happened back in the beginning? Through the Bible, we can understand why things are the way they are now. If our basis of truth is not the Bible, we think all of this is normal. We think it’s the way it is supposed to be on earth.

Well, if you think sickness and disease is normal–if you think death is normal–if you think poverty and lack that kills little children is normal–if you think accidents and strife and pain, weakness and lies are normal, well, then, you don’t know the truth. It was not always like this on earth! If you really knew the truth of why it is all here, you would re-consider your basis of truth. Because all this stuff is NOT normal!

I mean, it does not take a rocket scientist to figure out that the earth was not created this way!–Everything out of order. Earthquakes, volcanoes, storms, tornadoes, hurricanes, flooding, wars, hate, selfishness, and all kinds of things that have been perverted in this present world SINCE the Creator spoke perfection in the materal realm and in our spirits.

How do we know what things were like before things got messed up so long ago?–Before the law of sin and death came into being? Before our understanding was darkened? The Bible and The Holy Spirit. And, since people reject the truth of the Bible and what it exposes to us as the basis of truth, they believe lies. To reject the truth of God’s Word to us is to reject redemption–to reject Jesus, the redeemer & author of God’s eternal life for us all.

People think it is going to be okay with them even though they reject the truth. Well, if you reject the truth, what else is left? Nothing but lies. And, many people will find themselves awakening to truth AFTER they leave their bodies. Then, they find out, it was all true. After! Why? Because they believed the Bible was a bunch of bunk. So, the redemption and eternal life that God had provided for them through Jesus is left on the table.

What happens then? Well, those who reject Jesus and His eternal life are left without what Jesus brought for us all. It means that the kind of life they have is not the life of God. What will happen because of that? They remain in the fallen family of Adam. The spiritually fallen race. Not the new race and life of God that Jesus brought to us. I don’t know about you, but I am taking advantage of what Jesus did–here and now. You can do as you wish. If you DON’T believe Jesus IS the truth for us, then you are at a major disadvantage. And, time is limited.

A convenient thing for our enemy the devil is the blindness that exists in this fallen realm. Most people do not recognize the working of satan and his demons in the spirit realm at all. Because, they don’t believe he exists. Because, they don’t believe the Bible. So, they don’t know about satan’s interaction with men and the demonic forces largely in control of the fallen world system right now. A major disadvantage for people who do not believe the Bible!

So, the enemy can work without hindrance in and through them and they not even be aware that there is a nasty demon influencing their thoughts. Why is it happening in them? Because they reject the truth of the Bible! People’s whole paradigm’s are based on lies and deception in this present world.

I am a reality preacher. The fact is, if you don’t believe the Bible, you are believing something. That something, apart from the truth, will eventually be exposed as lies. I have personally proven to myself that the Word of God is true. I have believed it’s truth and I have received it into my own life.

Based upon the truth of the Word, by faith in it, I have been healed in my physical body many times. The most significant healing was just a few years ago when I was healed of permanent nerve damage over 2/3 of my body. I am completely free of that nerve pain because I believed and acted upon the Bible.

People look at me sideways when I tell them what I did to be healed. The doctors still can’t figure it out. And, when I tell them what I did, they still don’t understand. They just shake their heads in wonder. They could look into it and find out the truth, if they wanted. But do they? Will they?

It’s not natural what happened to me! It was supernatural! By God’s power! Through faith in His Word. What He said He did for us! I believed it. I received my healing! Now, you or the doctors, or any one else can think what they want about the Bible. But, I’m sitting here completely healed because I believed and acted upon it’s truth!

People that try to tell me that the Bible is not true have come around too late! I’ve already received! I’ve got it! So, they can go talk to the wall if they want. I know what I know! It’s too late for me! Well, I’m trying to get folks into faith in the Bible. Believe and receive it for themselves! That is what I am all about now. Trying to get others into faith in the Word and out of lies.

So many folks do not realize that faith in God’s Word will heal their bodies, bring peace to their minds and reality to their lives. I wish people could see. But as the Lord showed us in the visual aide He gave us of the 1999 Matrix movie, many people are actually laying in those pod generators of deception oblivious to what the truth really is–what is really going on with them.

They are under bondage of satan and don’t even know it. Why? Have they rejected the truth in favor of a lie? The very fact that you are reading this right now presents you with a decision that you will live with from now on! What will you believe? You can just let all of this I’m saying just pass through your mind and you can just cancel it all out as hooey fooey. Can’t you? Sure! Will it be these words about Jesus that will echo in your mind in eternity?

What will you do? God has given you a will of your own. It is your possession. Yours exclusively. God created you this way. He will not infringe upon your will. It is yours to receive Him or to reject Him. There is no fooling Father God. He searches the hearts of all men and women. He knows the truth about you. The question is, do you know the truth about Him?

Have you been rejecting the truth of the Bible? Then, you have been rejecting Jesus. If you have been rejecting Jesus, then you have been rejecting the eternal life and other things that He paid for you to have.

Is the Bible really true? You know, even if you do not believe the Bible, aren’t you just a little curious about all of the fulfilled prophesies? Why things keep coming true that God said through these men? Just a little curious maybe?

How about the testimony of billions of people who have come in contact with Jesus of the Bible?–Believers in the truth of Jesus. The world says the Bible is not true. They try so hard to do anything they can to take focus off of Father God and Jesus. Yet, the Holy Spirit Himself, who is here on earth now, bears witness of the validity of the Bible being the real author through various men of God.

He, the Holy Spirit, is the standard to which the world is coming against. He, the Holy Spirit, IS the Spirit of Truth! He is Jesus’ Spirit! The Holy Spirit is the standard to which the world is desperately trying to deny.

God knows the hearts of all men and women. He knows the selfishness and pride. He knows the rejection. Is He happy about it? No! A thousand times, no! Why? Because He loves them all. Yet, they have a will of their own, do they not?

The God of the Bible is a God of love who sent Jesus to us to bring us into one-ness with Him. He sacrificed so much for us! Do people recognize it? Do they perceive His love? That is why we are on here. We want all people to know the real Jesus of the Bible. The real God-Man Jesus! Yeshua! God’s Son! God’s representative to man and man’s representative to God!

To believe the Bible correctly means we begin to understand how to live by faith in God and His Word. We receive His free gift of Jesus as our own. We become one with Him. Then, we live learning who we are and what we have because of Jesus.

Do you believe the Bible? The choice is yours. Have you met Jesus? The real Jesus. Not the religious version. But the real Bible Jesus? You need Him. Maybe much more than you realize now. Even if you’re not sure what to think about what I said in this article, do not reject the message of Jesus. Stay open to consider. Let Him convince you Himself. As always, I’m wishing you the best. Praying for you!” KF

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