Look From There To Here

By Ken Fletcher

“I just heard some sad news about a missionary couple who were murdered in Haiti. Yes, their earthy life was cut short in our eyes. A horrible tragedy! Yet, though their young lives were cut short, for them personally, for eternity, they will always and forever be honnored by the Lord Himself and us all.

What really counts in life? Is it the length? Is it how much we can accumulate in material things? How popular we are? How many people are following us? How much money we can stack up? No. In the final analysis it is Jesus that counts. If we have Jesus, we have everything! All these other things will pass away. But, all things done for the Lord are eternal.

I’ll bet that young couple received an amazing entrance into glory when they arrived in heaven. Listen, the way to look at things is not from this side point of view. From an earthly view. No. We should look at things from an eternal point of view. From there to here! Then, we’re looking at things the way we should see them. In reality. With Jesus.

On one hand I am so sad for those young missionaries. On the other hand I am happy for them and congratulate them on their huge victory! What may look like great loss for us in the world is great gain to the Lord.

A life yielded to Jesus is a life of fulfillment. A life yielded to Jesus is a life of victory! A life yielded to Jesus is a life of purpose. A life yielded to Jesus is a life of overcoming power!

Those kids may have been murdered. But, there are much bigger things in motion than that. Lives will be impacted for Jesus! I can’t wait to hear the whole story from them. And find out what the Lord did–even in the aftermath of their murders. We will all find out some glorious day.

Murderers cannot steal what Jesus has given. Murderers cannot take away what Jesus did in those missionaries and through them! It is theirs forever! Oh, how we should esteem and honor all those who are on the front lines of danger proclaiming the truth to people. Let’s be sure to pray for the families of those dear young people. That the Holy Spirit will powerfully comfort the families and help them.” KF KenFletcher.org

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