Look Back Stage!

By Ken Fletcher

“I’ve been on a lot of stages in the last 67 years. Singing. Playing. Promoting. Preaching, etc. I actually know people very well who live for being on a stage in front of others. It gives them a jazz inside. An ego boost, I guess you could say. It’s really funny, some of those folks who project themselves on stage as confident performers are, in actuality, quite insecure people in their lives! Other people look up on the stage and may be impressed. They might even start thinking about them a lot. So, here’s one person looking up at another person, a singer, an actor, a dancer, etc., and the other person is just another person WITH a particular gift from God. They did NOT give that gift to themselves. It came from God. Though, they may have worked to develop that gift, It’s origination is still from God! But, do we recognize it? Do we see it like it really is? Are we looking at the stage and getting a wrong perception of things? What’s happening back stage? What’s in the dressing room? What’s in the car after the show? What’s really the deal? Well, many times, in reality, it is MUCH different than what was projected to us from the stage! I can tell you that! In life, lets go for the real of things. Not buy in to the projection from the world’s stage–what THEY want you to see and believe. Lets find out what is really happening in the world back stage with Jesus! KF

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