Living In The Real

By Ken Fletcher

“The material realm is the created realm. People living here now think that it has always been or it is billions of years old. Since our natural lifespan is so short, we cannot have the right perspective of the truth of things.

It is the spirit realm where God lives that’s the origin of where this realm came from. Our Creator, God, is Spirit! Most believers know this. But, most unbelievers do not. How can we perceive things the way they really are from our perspective?

As created beings ourselves, we cannot, as far as I can tell. We only can see partially. Especially since we are living in a fallen, messed up material realm! Our bodies are also fallen–death doomed. And this present world filled with evil effects us, who are God’s children, who live in these fallen bodies.

The reality of the situation is that this is a deceptive realm! Those who do not see through it and understand what is really going on are lying in darkness of the truth. There is so much time and focus on natural physical things. Not only from unbelievers but also children of God who belong to Jesus.

With all the focus on this deceptive realm, people are taken in and mesmerized–being programmed in their minds by all that is going on around them. News, sports, movies, TV programs of all kinds, not to mention all the attention on the internet. And, not only these things, but other material things taking our attention off of what is REALLY important to have our attention on!

I’m not saying that one should ignore or not be abreast of what is going on currently. And, I’m not saying you shouldn’t give some attention to these things. But, I’m suggesting that you should be aware to how MUCH attention to temporary things you are involved in. Is it too much? And, not enough to what is lasting and important with the Lord?

You know, prosperity is wonderful. But, the more you prosper materially, the more you have to watch over and take care of. Having 1 car is wonderful. But, having 2 means double the upkeep of the cars. That transfers to more of our attention on taking care of the more. Attention where? The material realm!

Well, I’m not saying you shouldn’t have 2 cars. You should have as many autos as you need to do what Jesus has called you to do. I’m just using cars as an example as to what natural good things can take our attention off of what is important. God wants you to have plenty of material things in abundance. Yes He does! He just doesn’t want material things to have you!

You are spirit! That is who you are! Whether you feel like it or not does not make any difference. You are! And, the sooner you realize this, the better off you are! Your spirit is the main part of you! Not your brain. Since our bodies are in fallen, death doomed, condition. We can not perceive the truth of things the way we should.

The material realm is now tainted! Fallen! Not the way God created it! We messed it up! We were responsible! We let an evil fallen angel, satan, take our authority over the world in the beginning!

Well, since this is what we’ve got now, we must seek the Lord in order to know what is really going on. Otherwise, we will be deceived by the deceiver who is god over this world. That is, god, with a little g. 2 Corinthians 4:4 “In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them.”

What is the truth? The light of the glorious gospel (good news) of Jesus! He is the truth! We can know reality through Jesus! Even in these fallen bodies. Even living in a fallen messed up realm. We can know our way. We do not have to be blind to the truth. We have Jesus! And, if you don’t have Him, you can right now!

Receive Him with all of your heart. Confess Jesus as your Lord! Let reality begin in your perception! We can really see through faith in Jesus! We can see through all the deception through faith in Him! We have Jesus, believers! Through faith in His words, we can navigate through according to His great will for us. Through faith! Faith in Jesus! He is our eyes and ears to those things we cannot perceive!

Can a person perceive the truth about themselves apart from Jesus? I do not believe that we can. We will have a false perception to things because of the deception of this present world.

The answer is found in Jesus. The truth of the way things really are is found in His Word, the Bible. Many people think that the Bible is a myth. A fantasy. They believe real truth is found through science, etc. Science is about the material realm.

Science does not know the truth of the spirit. It is foreign to them. There’s the blindness that I spoke of earlier. The scientists themselves are spirits. And, they don’t even know it! What does that tell you? They are limited in their understanding–just like the rest of humanity. But, Jesus is not.

Being blended with Jesus means that He will lead us into all truth. That is what He does. I am so thankful for that! Since I cannot know my own way, I CAN know my way THROUGH faith in Jesus! Though I’m partially blind to the reality of things in the spirit realm, I can see through faith in Jesus! He shows me what I need to know and where I need to go. He shows me what I need to do to stay on track with His best for me. And, you too!

Are you joined with Jesus? If you are, then you can perceive the truth! If you are not, why are you staying in deception? Are you seeing things the way Jesus sees them? Are you understanding reality? If you are blind to the spirit, then you are being manipulated by the enemy in some degree!

Yes, this material realm is real! Of course it is! But, this realm is not the way it was created to be in the beginning! Can you see that? God created this realm perfect without flaw. No death in anything anywhere in the material realm! That is the way He made it!

So, what we are seeing now is a perverted and twisted material realm. Where everything is affected! Do we understand this as we live day to day? Many are completely blind to it. Some are starting to wake up to the reality of Jesus. How about you? Reader, I hope you are awakening to the truth in your own life! That is my prayer. Receive the truth. Receive Jesus!” KF

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