Live Inside Out

By Ken Fletcher

“Our new series, “One In Him”, will be starting in a few weeks. I hope you will join me for this new journey the Lord is taking us on.

What’s it all about? It’s about our union with the Father, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit. We are one with God like Jesus was one with God before. Think how different for Jesus things are now than before. We are included in with Jesus now. We are all sons of God now–sons in female and male earthly bodies.

Do we understand all that we are now? Do we comprehend the unlimited nature of our new birth into the Kingdom of God? Do we understand in actuality where we are positionally sitting in relationship to God? The reality of what we are now and what is our nature now is what this series is all about.

We are going into detail on a lot of scriptures to find the real truth of who we really are! We want to come out of any kind of deception of our self view. That is the main problem with believers in Jesus. They don’t really know who they are in Him. So, they do and act other ways. Their thinking is like the world’s. Though they are the Lord’s, they look and think like everyone else in the world.

Many times, they are confused. Trying to be like the world, yet are completely different on the inside! They are heaven ready, but they are condemned by their misunderstandings of who they really are and what they really have with Jesus. What is the gospel or good news of Jesus? What’s the real of the truth of the gospel?

There has been so much misunderstanding about the real truth of Jesus for humanity. It’s happening mainly because of religion. Most preachers and teachers of the Bible teach and preach a blend of old covenant and new covenant. The old was fulfilled by the new. Yet, preachers will use the old like it’s in force in our day.

Of course, we should read and study it to understand as a basis for how the new came into being. There’s so much important truth found in the old. There is much important understanding and comfort found in the old. But, even without any knowledge of the old, anyone can come into relationship with God through Jesus! There should be no blending of the old and the new. Now, it’s all about God’s grace through Jesus!

Use the examples in the old. Learn what people of faith did before. But, understand, everything changed when Jesus died and rose again! Everything! Thank God for the old covenant. The very fact that Jesus came is a product of the old covenant. We must understand ourselves from what God says about us. That is the whole point.

We are partially blind about who we are–even as believers! That is what this series is about. We are seeking truth of who and what we really are inside as new creations in Christ. When we can perceive these things about ourselves, we can live it out here on the outside in this present world.

We should live from the inside out. Not from the outside in. But, if we cannot perceive who we are inside, how can we live in this present world in reality? Well, we can’t. But, we should know!

I believe this series will help you to get a good strong picture of who you really are and what you really have now! Has religion given you the wrong picture of who Jesus is and who you are in Him? Is there condemnation present in your understanding? Well, we want to clear some of that stuff up. So, if you’re willing, I’ll see you in a few weeks on the new road trip. With love, KF

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