Live Inside Out

By Ken Fletcher

“I believe the real inward struggle with believers is not with the flesh. It is lack of understanding of who they are in Christ. If they discover who they have been created to be–who they are, much of the stuff that they are used to struggling with falls off almost un-noticed.

As we believers grow in understanding of our union with Jesus, and focus on the inner man with Jesus, the outer man (the flesh) must comply with the inner man. No struggle of who is in charge. Oh, IT does not want to naturally because it is in it’s fallen state now. But, since the focus is now right within the believer inside of themselves, the flesh has to take a back seat. No more driving for the flesh. Just domination over the fallen nature.

It’s about what we choose to focus on. We can learn to be Spirit led in everything. How much better it is. It’s about keeping our attention on the Lord inside. Hearing from Him. Carrying out what He is saying that’s best for us. Knowing we can approach the Father anytime! With anything! And hear from Him about it all. What a tremendous truth we can live in.

Most believers are living in some degree of condemnation of themselves because they have fallen short in some areas in the flesh. But, understand this, my friend, that condemnation is NOT coming from Jesus or the Father or the Holy Spirit. They are NO CONDEMNATION when It comes to you. Nope! Not from them! So, just because you missed it does not mean that they have distanced themselves from you in any way. They are as close as ever.

Because, ALL the condemnation that was upon US was poured out on JESUS on the cross. Which means there is now NO condemnation upon us from God! Even if you have missed it and messed up! From His perspective it is all gone!

Here’s the deal. We have to align our thinking with the way things REALLY ARE with God. We need to think of ourselves the way Jesus thinks about us. But, that struggle to do right is real within us. Inside we desire to do His will in our lives. The outside understanding, that is in contact with this fallen world, is in direct conflict with who we are and who we have been created to be. We’re never going to be happy until we live from the new creation that the Lord has made us. Never.

So, the idea is to get our focus right. On Jesus inside. On who we are inside. We are who He has made us! And, when we start developing in that understanding with Jesus, then we will begin to see things change on the outside. But, we’re not looking at that! What the flesh wants to do. We’re looking at what’s inside and doing that instead! Doing the Word. From inside. His Word in us.

And, we slap down the fallen flesh from inside of ourselves and make it do what our inward nature is. What does it really take? It starts with a decision within yourself before the Lord. Then, a steady diet of ingesting the truth about who you are now with the Lord. Dwell on that. Live in that.

You are a spirit. IN UNION with THE GREAT mighty Holy Spirit who lives within you. He will lead you into all truth! What you should do personally. Jesus speaks to us all the time about things. We have been just too dull of hearing inside. Work on that! He is speaking to you! Get your attention on that! And, Jesus will lead you in the ways of victory and peace in every area of your life! IF you allow Him.

It’s a focus change! It’s a priority change! It’s a change of forward momentum! It’s the positive way to real change for you! From now on! But, these things are things that you decide.

No matter how much Jesus wants you to live like this, He will not coerce you to do it. Because, He knows, that it is up to you. Because, it’s YOUR will of your own being.

What are you gonna do? You gonna keep on living under the dictates of your fallen nature? Or are you gonna live from the inside out through your perfect nature that is in union with Jesus?

Well, I’m wishing you the best, dear friend. Maybe I have given you some food for thought here. Humm…? But, truly, God is greater in you than anything you are looking at right now. So, why don’t you give Him your total life? Everything! And let Him lead you into victory after victory. I’m rooting for you!” With love, KF

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