Live Before Jesus

By Ken Fletcher

“I see it all the time now. People who are God’s people, but don’t know who they are! They are thinking just like the world in so many ways. Trying to be Holy in their performance, and under condemnation because of the not measuring up in their own perceptions of what God expects of them. Which, most of the time, is a false perception coming from religion.

So, they end up dancing to the beat of another man’s idea of what they should be. When God has accepted them as they are. Redeemed property they are! New creations they are! Holy they are! Perfect they are! Made that way! But, the outside may be rough to other men’s standards.

Well, I have found out that no matter how good you do, in someone else’s eyes, they will find something you’re doing or not doing that they think you should change. I am realizing that I am not responsible to anyone except my Lord Jesus! If I am doing what He says for me to do, the whole world can go and fly a kite! And, that includes, so called, church leaders who may look down their nose at me.

No man comes between me and Jesus. No time! And, He has told me a lot of times that He wants me to think about myself the way He sees me. Not how another man sees me.

You can do as you wish. But, I do my own thinking before Jesus. I don’t need a, so called, leader to tell me how I am supposed to be doing things with the Lord. If I am doing what Jesus leads me to do, I am the one who would know. Would someone else? No. They may think they have leading for me from their perspective. But, I know the voice of my Lord directing me. Not them.

It amazes me how people spend so much time looking at others and judging what they should or should not do. Church leaders who are more promenate always get stuff thrown at them.–How people disagree with something they are saying or doing. Man, why don’t people pay attention to their own lives before Jesus and leave other people’s lives to God.

People are doing all kinds of wrong stuff but they want to focus on another’s wrong. How about letting God correct the other? Humm…? Ever thought about that? Well, personally, I’ve got too much to deal with doing what Jesus told me to do to look around at how another person or church leader is missing it.

It’s fallen natural realm stuff. The world, it’s all messed up down here! The flesh is messed up! The church is all messed up in the natural! Fragmented. Divided. Selfish. Full of religion. One group against the other. Because they think they are off somewhere. Really, now! How do you think Jesus is looking at all of this? It’s pathetic! The church in such shape!

Each group thinking that their way is THE way of looking at the Christian life. Let’s grow up, get wise and realize God is bigger than all of that! Lets keep our focus on what Jesus tells us to do personally. And, I think we will be able to stay on track in our lives. Wishing you the best as you live for Him!” KF

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