Light Comes

By Ken Fletcher

“People are doing a lot of things tonight. A lot of things that will not help them. But, will hurt them. Things that will take them in wrong directions. Leading to destruction and misery.

Why do they go the way of destruction? They are blinded. And, know not where they are. Without Jesus, I would be the same. Living a life of blindness. Not understanding my way. Like so many others.

But, when a man or woman gives their life to Jesus, light comes. They can begin to understand things and see. Once they begin finding out who they really are in Christ, other insignificant things drop off. And they begin to live in the eternal perspective of things. The real of things.

Jesus brings reality to us. He brings us out of things that would hurt us and lead to destruction. His ways are ways of light, life, healing and blessing! It’s my heartfelt prayer that many will come to know Him in the days to come. So that they will not experience destruction, but life and light through Jesus our Lord.” KF

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