La-La Land

By Ken Fletcher

“I’m not interested in what’s false. I want to know the true. The real. Don’t you? Well, I believe it like Jesus said it. I believe what he said and displayed to us is reality. The truth.

So, If what Jesus said was the truth, many people in this present world are in big trouble! Life for us all is IN Jesus! There’s no other way to God. Because, we are not right with Him ANY other way! It’s God’s way. Not ours. He’s the One who determines who is right with Him or not.

It’s faith in the grace that He gave us through His Son Jesus. A free gift. No one can work to achieve it. No religion can declare they are right with God without Jesus. But, ALL people are invited to enter into God’s eternal life through Jesus. That is the truth as I know it.

If what Jesus said is true, and it is! We are witnessing the greatest lie of them all being propagated all over the world. It is this: People do not need Jesus or God. And, so many people believe that lie. Where did it come from? Satan. It is everywhere! So many are deceived.

So many deceived people and too few ministers of light. And too many believers are caught up in the natural realm. In la-la land. Not being who they are. But they’re trying to fit in to a world that is apart from God. They know enough to help those who are in darkness. But, they’re selfish. And some pride too. That is what keeps them powerless as a witness for Jesus.

How can we perceive it right in this life? By giving it all to Jesus. I know no better way to know the truth than to give Him our will. Then, we can perceive the true from Jesus inside. He always will lead us in true paths out of deception.” KF

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