Jesus. What A Friend

By Ken Fletcher

“What have I learned though years of trouble on earth? Many things. But, the most important thing I have learned is that Jesus has always been with me since the day I invited Him into my life. A constant friend. Who has always been on my side. With me. For me. Protecting me. Guiding me. His wisdom and foresight has kept me out of a lot of hot water. And, not to mention the abundant provision, and the healings, and the comfort during tough spots.

Wow! What a friend. And, He’ll never leave. No matter what! Now, THAT is a real true friend. He will stay with us through everything that comes. And, He is faithful. He corrects me. Helps me when I miss it. Never does He condemn. He is so amazingly encouraging! I know Him better now than I did before. And, I have searched Him. And, looked about Him. And, I can tell you that Jesus is NOTHING but good! There is no bad anywhere in Him. No negatives with Jesus.

He is like no other that I know. To be this close to Him as we are, is so amazing to me. So close is He. Like no other can be. Who knows us and every detail about us. But, still loves us. It’s because He sees through all of the misunderstandings and wrong teachings about Him. He understands where it all came from and why you believed it, and everything else. But, He doesn’t care! About all of that junk in us!

All He cares about is us. And, He sees the true about us, through and through. Nothing hid in front of Him. That is why I ask Him often, “Lord, do you have it all in me?–Everything?” Because, He knows. And sees where I may be blind. I want to know where I am with Him. Don’t you? Because, that is the place of His best for us. And, I want that. Don’t you? Why settle for something else in life when you can have God’s best?

Well, I’m excited to see what Jesus has in store for 2024! He IS a miracle worker. And, we’re with Him. So, we should be expecting miracles this year! Amen? Lets just allow Jesus do do what He wants in our lives! Us and He together working for His eternal agenda.

After all of these years, I do know Him better than before. But, I want to know Him even better. Many times, I feel like I am just scratching the surface with Him. Yet, He is patient and kind with me. Bringing me along as I understand more and more. Just growing with Jesus. I know He is doing the same in you too. Because, He is only after your good also. What a wonderful Savior. What a true friend.

He always leads me in right ways. Sometimes, I misunderstand. Sometimes, the timing is not just right on things. And, maybe I might move too fast or maybe not fast enough. Either way, He is kind. And, understands it all. I’m just trying to get it right before Him. See things the way He is showing me and opening up to me.

But, I’m growing. And, you too! We are in different stages of understanding with Him. Some things we are really going to be surprised about when we get home to heaven! No partial understanding there, my brother and sister. We will see the complete with our own eyes. But, until then, I will be a truth seeker. Which means I will be a Jesus seeker.–For more light and understanding about my way before Him.

Until then, when I see Him full on, face to face, eye to eye. I will walk with Him down here in faith. Believing what He shows and tells me. Dear reader, the truth is, more and more, I just want to know Him better. I hope that is the cry of your heart also as we move into this new year.” KF

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