Jesus Is Truth

By Ken Fletcher

“It’s amazing how many people live in degrees of deception. Not even considering that they are eternal spirits. Not considering the reason things are so messed up in this present world. They have been lied to since they were little babies about the way the world is. Experts have explained that there was no creation. That all of this material realm just randomly happened over much time. No one seems to stop and consider the wonder of an atom. The life force that holds it together. What is that? They can only guess. They have no explanation. Also, if everything just randomly happened, where did matter itself originate? Something cannot come from nothing. No, my friend, matter itself was created by God who is a Spirit. The material realm we live in was originally manifested out of the spirit realm, which is the parent realm. The material came out from the Spirit of God. Just like us. He is our starting place. Though things are in a fallen state, it is still very beautiful. We see the wonder in the creation. How it shouts God to every man and woman. Man has tried to explain away the existance of God. They do not want to answer to Him. So, they want to self exalt themselves as having the answers to creation. They want to explain away that God is the Creator of earth and of themselves. But no matter how hard they try, there is always problems with their theories. It’s because you cannot know the answers if you deny the truth. The truth will aways remain no matter what mankind tries to do. The truth is in God. The truth is in Jesus. If man denies Jesus, where does that keep him or her? If the truth is found in Jesus, where does that keep the one who does not know Him? It keeps them in deception from the truth. They don’t realize it. Of course they don’t. Or they would turn another way. If Jesus is truth. If He is the way to God as He says He is. And, He is! If we want to be with God, truly, we must be with Jesus. Otherwise, we too are in deception of reality. We too will be living in the deception of the matrix (this fallen world system). The real eternal realm is the parent realm of the spirit. It will not pass away. This present fallen realm will be done away with. So, this messed up realm is only temporary. All the evil is temporary. All the deception is temporary. But, right now, people are believing it. And, that is the sad thing about it. Many do not know they need Jesus to even perceive reality. They know something is wrong. But, they don’t understand what it is yet. Religion has fouled up the message of eternal life in Jesus. Many are flat turned off by their message. They don’t want anything to do with it. I don’t blame them. But, if they could know Jesus as I do, they would want to know Him, I believe. He’s nothing but good. He is truth. Through Jesus they too can see who they really are with God. Our mission should be to take this message of eternal life in Jesus to every person. Everyone should know the truth. Everyone should know how wonderful it is to know Jesus! Everyone should understand the real of things. Wouldn’t you agree?” KF

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