Jesus Hates Religion

By Ken Fletcher

“Religious people do not like what I teach. They feel threatened. They are offended. They want people to come to God their way. Maybe people not only need to be free from the devil, but also from them! They like the mixing of the old covenant with the new covenant. Saying things are the same for us to live by the old.

Listen, the old covenant was between God and the man, Abraham, and his decedents. The new covenant is between God and the man, Jesus, and His decedents. The new revelation of Jesus is eternal. The old has been replaced with something better. Much much better!

People are coming under wrong teaching about God. Some leaders have not done honest study of their own on what God has done through Jesus. Some leaders know if they preach what it really is, they will get fired or looked down upon by the authorities above them. So, they keep on propagating what they have been taught or, influenced with, even though it is incorrect, to others who also do the same. So, the false stuff about God keeps rolling on and on to the next generations of people.

Control is what is really happening. They want to keep people under control! Keep the money coming in. Sounds like the devil to me! Jesus came to make us free. Not to go from one kind of control to another kind of control. If you don’t act like they think you should, well, you are not in the will of God somehow. Fall in line, believer! Pay your dues!

Of course, if you don’t do it their way, or believe it their way, you will be excommunicated. Won’t you! Sure! But, they are claiming it is all God’s will. Is it really? I am so glad that Father is not really like that! I am so glad that He looks at me differently than they do. He sees the real heart. The real motives! In us all!

I’m convinced that they do not even realize they are working with the devil. They are deceived to what is really going on with them. What a mess religion is! A big ball of confusion! Designed to de-power the believer!

Well, I’m not trying to offend anyone on here. But, I am trying to get people free from deception! And, if you are involved with that deception, then I don’t care if you are offended. Bless your heart! You need to quit expecting people to dance to your music. Why don’t you allow God to do an examination with the x-ray of the Lord. Find out WHY you are doing what you are doing! Set people free! Don’t bind them! Are you offended at what I’m saying on these posts? Maybe it’s an indication that, in reality, you are trying to control God’s people, Mr. Leader! Do you realize what you’re doing?” KF

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