It’s Us!

By Ken Fletcher July 11, 2023

“Jesus reminds me. It’s not me doing this or that. It’s not Him doing this or that. It’s US doing this or that in my life. We do together. Or, we don’t. He knows that I just want it His way now. So, it’s easy to flow with His leading me. Why would I want to go another way but His? I’ve got enough sense to know I’ve got it good with Jesus! We have a little 12 pound dog, Sophie. She’s a great dog that we’ve had for about 10 years now. Sophie needs no leash. She just wants to be with us wherever we are. So, we don’t even have to pay much attention to her straying off somewhere away from us. We know she’s around us close watching for when we move. And, when we do, she’s right there with us where we go. She knows she’s got it good with us. Why would she want to go another way? Our way is the blessing way! Our way is the food way. Our way is the keeping her feeling good way. Our way is her best life. And, she knows it! Me too! With Jesus, why would I go another way than His? Well, it would be stupid of me. I’ve been stupid and gone my own ways before many times in my life. But, after seeing the results of my ways and seeing the results of His ways, well, I’m going forward in His ways! I know that Jesus’ will for me is my best life here and after. So, I’m endeavoring, as far as I’m concerned, it’s not Him, it’s not me, it’s US from now on in this life and the life to come!” KF

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