It’s Too Late For Me

By Ken Fletcher

“Some really believe that Jesus is not alive. That He did not come back from the dead. Many certainly do not believe that He is the Son of God. They think He is just a good man. Or a prophet. Oh, but He is so much more. Contrary to the belief of some. Jesus is very much alive. Yes, He was dead. Murdered. But, God raised Him from the dead. And, now, Jesus is alive. Death cannot touch Him anymore! Now, He lives in me. He lives in every believer’s heart. He IS the author of eternal life. God’s life! We now are one with Holy Spirit, Jesus, and the Father. One! That’s what we have inside of these bodies right now! People who do not know Jesus think that He’s a myth. That He’s not who He said He was. That all that stuff about Him in the Bible is false. They reject Hiim. But, I know! I know He’s alive! I know He lives in me! I’ve got Him and the Father! I’ve got the Holy Spirit! No doubt about it! I know the Word is true! It’s too late for me to believe the lies. Now, other folks can say what I’m in is not real. But, I’ve seen too much! I’ve experienced Jesus too many times. I’ve heard Him speak thousands of times inside my soul. I’m not interested in someone elses opinions about Jesus. Because I have the real. Not an opinion. But, a real experience! If people could know Him like I have gotten to know Him, they would be amazed at how good He is. The more I know Him, the more I trust Him. I know that if you know Jesus, you know exactly what I’m talking about. He is precious. More than anything in this life. He is what it is really about down here on earth. Knowing Jesus. Because, when we get hooked up to Jesus, He can lead us into His best for us personally. He can use us to help someone else. He will make us a blessing! I can assure you, dear reader. No matter what you’ve been told. Jesus is quite alive! And, He’s still doing the same things He has always done for people! The wonderful will of God!” KF

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