It’s Them!

By Ken Fletcher

“With some believers there seems to come a time when they see things as they are. The real value. When many are distracted with many things in this world, some see through it all. Some know.

Some understand the real value of living with Jesus and doing His will. Some are wiser than others. The wise are the ones we should listen to. Personally, I want to increase my grasp on what is really valuable in this life.

As far as I can tell, what is really valuable and more important than anything on earth is people. They are eternal. Do we see things like we should? Do we understand this is all temporary? Do we understand that one soul is worth more than the whole world?

Too fast it is all moving and changing. People we see today may be out of our life tomorrow! What is really important in what we do? It’s them! All of them are important!

Do we value what is really important? I wonder. It does not hurt you and I to do an examination of our heart before the Lord. We need to see it like Jesus does. Then, we are perceiving it right and true.

How is He looking at people? That is the way we are supposed to look at people. Jesus thinks they are precious. He is right. They are! Each one! Do we esteem them as precious?

While we were yet sinners Christ died for us. That is how He esteems them. Like He does us! Everyone needs Jesus! Everyone who believes can have Him and His eternal life! Everyone!

What is really valuable? Getting people connected to Jesus! Getting people to understand their union with God. Being a blessing everywhere we can. Following Jesus everyday. That’s eternally valuable! Are we perceiving it right in this life?” KF

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