It’s The Matrix

By Ken Fletcher

“I look around at other people in the world. Many do not know Jesus. They are thinking about many other things. Yet, not thinking on the important thing. Not even a passing thought. People just don’t realize. It’s the matrix down here. Everywhere you look is fallen from the original creation. The system is manipulated. Just like the matrix. Control and domination over other people is the goal of those pushing the enemy’s agenda. Folks are now involved in things unthinkable in years past. Violence is spiking. Morality. What’s that? Unthinkable agendas unfolding before our eyes. Evil getting more bold, more blatant. The hatred of the other side is more heated than ever before. Division not unity. That is what the enemy wants between us. He knows in order to conquer, he must divide us. So, lies, deception, manipulation, agendas, power, influence to a certain mindset they want you to think. On every media outlet. These are the times we are in, my brother and sister. With all the blindness of what is really going on, people really think that the truth is not really the truth. So, they’re thinking about all the other stuff. Thinking THAT is true. Stuff that’s temporary and will pass away. Stuff they believe that’s false. Yet, that’s what occupies their mind all the time. Temporary stuff! False stuff. What is the true? Jesus. What will get their attention off of the false and temporary? Miracles. True solutions for their problems. We should be looking for opportunities all the time to pray and believe for folks. Anywhere, anytime. People need to come into contact with Jesus to awaken into reality. We are the mobile office of the Lord down here on earth. We have the privilege to tell them the truth and help them come into contact with the Lord. Friends, if we can just get them to Jesus, they’re going to be okay.” KF

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