It’s Temporary

By Ken Fletcher

“If you’re dealing with something tough in your life tonight. No matter how tough it is, encourage yourself in the Lord your God. He is with you. 

Stop going over and over the problem in your mind and look up to your Lord who is with you. He will help. He is near. He’ll show you what you should do. Give it all to Him. The best that you can. Keep it there the best you can. 

Remember, there is nothing too hard for Him to fix in your life! And, remember, that He loves you and wants the best for you. So, encourage yourself in these truths that never change no matter what! 

Things can change in this natural realm we live in. Jesus never changes no matter what happens in this realm. He is our rock. Our wisdom. Our strength. Our life. We dwell in Him and He in us. 

Will He not walk with you in the tough spots of life? Certainly He will always! And show you the best way through too! He is a true friend. Closer than a brother. Inside. Always. No matter what. So, in light of these truths, look up. Be encouraged. Know that He is with you. Helping. Leading. Giving you the ability and strength you need.

Isn’t it amazing that we are connected to One with which nothing is impossible? Inside. Now. Always. Truly amazing! And it is true. About us and Him. In union together. 

Well, I hope that you will dwell on these truths. Just thinking about the possibilities of what we have with God now. Well, it can boggle the mind. Because it is so huge. Remember, dear one, what you are experiencing now is temporary. Jesus and you are eternal. Praying for you and wishing you the best.”  KF 

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