It’s Not God!

By Ken Fletcher

“I get weary of the way church folks kick each other down when someone misses God and sins. So sad. We should understand and see through things.

Let me ask you. Do you think God is kicking a brother or sister down because they missed it somehow? Do you think He did not know they would miss it before they came into His family? Like He is surprised? Do you think He condemns? Like people do?

What about the payment for sin? Do you think there are some sins He left out and did not pay for? Do you know what it’s like to kick a brother or sister down or talk about them because they missed it? It’s like the parable that Jesus told about the man who owed a great debt that he could not pay. The person the man owed the great sum to was going to throw him in jail and take take all he had including his family because of the debt. But, the person had mercy on the debtor. And, forgave the great debt and set the man and his family free.

The same man who was forgiven the great debt, turned around soon after, and threatened to throw another man in jail who owed him money. The amount owed was a much much smaller amount of money than he was forgiven of just a short time before. Was he thankful? Did he understand that he himself should have mercy and at least forgive the smaller debt in light of what he had just been forgiven? You would think he would! But, no! He did not! And, so it is with so many in the, so called, church! Are they really following Jesus? Shouldn’t they look at another person the way Jesus looks at them?

Do you think Jesus is looking down His nose at them? No. He’s not! He has carried all of their sin upon Himself. Why would He condemn what He has already carried?

Why is the standard different with God than with man? I have said to my wife many times over the years, I am so glad that God is not like man! If He was, we would ALL be toast folks! But, thank God He’s not! But, some people say He is! They say He condemns!

It’s funny, they themselves can’t measure up! Yet, they are the ones most critical! It stinks to high heaven! Where did love go? Poof! Out the window! Well, as long as the, so called, church keeps shooting their wounded and criticizing people about how they have missed it, they’re never going to reach the world. Too focused on the natural and outward.

When are believers going to wake up to the fact that we are created perfect inside! With the Lord! The focus has got to be on the inside! Jesus is in there! But, religious people want to focus on performance on the outside, etc! Well, I’ve had enough of that crap! I’m so thankful that I’m finally getting it right.

The inner man is the forever man! The inner man is created perfect in Christ! The inner man is the man that has Jesus dwelling inside with him or her all the time. Do we see things that way? Do the church folk see things that way?

I think that many of the churches teach a blend of grace and law. Which usually defaults to performance. But, God looks at the heart. And sees and knows the real. Condemnation is coming out from man. Not God! All of His condemnation was poured upon Jesus on the cross. If there was some sin that was NOT included in that offering I’d like to know which one! Yours and my sin! All there at the cross of Jesus! Eternally!

You want to criticize? Look down at a someone who messed up? Well, unfortunately I expect it happening a lot more! You know why? That’s what is down here in this world system! It’s not God! Ever! So, who do you think is behind it? You got it! Satan. And, it’s all through the church all over the place!

So, when you hear a brother or sister talking about, and start looking down their nose at, another believer who as missed it, and you will, then you know the source. It is easy to get caught up into that frame of mind. But, friends, we must commit to looking at people like our Lord does. That is who we are on the inside! We want that to be evident on the outside too. Let’s be like our Lord!” KF

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