By Ken Fletcher

“Some think that our slogan, It’s Great To Have Faith, is kind of an arrogant sounding phrase. It really not.

It IS great and wonderful to have faith. But, that’s not where the phrase came from. I got the phrase from the title of one of T.L. Osborn’s tape series entitled, It’s Great To Have Faith. Boy is it a good one if you’ve never heard it. I listened to that cassette tape series over 35 times. It was like I was in a season soaking up those 3 messages by brother T.L. I know why now that I was so into them so many years ago. Just hungry for the Word.

Anyway, regardless where the phrase came from, it’s a goodie! And, it’s been my experience to say along with brother T.L., It’s Great To Have Faith! It’s really great to be a believer in the Lord Jesus and His Word!” KF

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